Saturday Song

Posted September 11, 2010 by Tracy in Reviews | 6 Comments

I call this one of my happy songs. I just get a smile on my face whenever I hear Me Being Me by Tim Blane. It’s got a catchy tune and I love the lyrics – especially the lines:
So if I ever get strange, my love
And start to mess it up
Please stick around- that’s just me being me
And if I ever get strange, my love
(way past the point you’re thinking of)
Please stick around- that’s just me being me
Yeah, that’s just me being me.
I can so relate! lol Anyway, enjoy!


6 responses to “Saturday Song

  1. Tam

    I've never heard of him. It was a cute song but I loved the video. And no, I've never seen the Weezer one so it was new to me. 🙂

  2. Tam – The video is quite clever, isn't it? Something new a different. 🙂 Blane seems to have a sense of humor which I love.
    Weezer one?

    Chris – LOL The first time I saw the vid I thought the same thing. 🙂

  3. Tam

    At the end of the video the screen says that after they did the video that Weezer released one that was almost the same although they thought it was an original idea. So they didn't release their's right away.

  4. Tam – Sorry – brain fart! I had completely forgotten about that part! I, of course, had to go watch the Weezer vid and there are a couple of similarities but I definitely think they're very different.

    Orannia – My job here is done. 🙂

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