Get Out Your Calendars!

Posted March 24, 2008 by Rowena in | 3 Comments


First, I want to thank you guys for participating in this endeavor! We had a pretty good turn out despite the fact that we had a few people missing in action. Hopefully, they will be joining us next month. Contest for the gift card is now closed but if readers who are interested in joining us, it’s not too late and it will always be open, just contact me using the contact form and I’ll add you to the list.

The tentative dates for TBR Day are below. I know many readers want to do more than one Wed and I say go for it. I only ask that you spotlight [a] book from your TBR pile every third Wed. I plan to read more books from my pile and reserve the older books on TBR Day. I am excited to say the least. I plan to tackle a few authors that I’ve not read but whose books are languishing in my TBR pile for a long time. Here are my author highlights: Sharon Shinn, Eva Ibbotson, Lisa Kleypas (Sugar Daddy), Catherine Asaro (The Veiled Web) and a few others. Any authors you are targeting out of your pile? Books in particular you’ve always wanted to read but never had the time? Well, now is the time.


April 16
May 21
June 18
July 16
August 20
September 17
October 15
November 19
December 17

I didn’t join the TBR for the contest but it would have been nice, but oh well…we can still get participate, so make sure you contact her if you want to enter the challenge…it’s a good challenge, one that I want to participate in and I’m sure I’ll be able to do it so I’m gonna get to it.
Happy Reading Ya’ll!


3 responses to “Get Out Your Calendars!

  1. I signed up and I am attempting to do one a week just to help manage things better. I hope to be able to keep up but we’ll see! It’s a great idea!

  2. I managed to sign up a the last minute and thought I’d get to do a quick read and review in time for the first TBR Wednesday last week, but life just got in the way. I’ll do it late anyway. 🙂

  3. Rowena

    I’m going to sign up right now and I hope to participate as often as I can.

    And I totally agree, this was a great idea!

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