Author Spotlight: Judith McNaught’s Battle of the Heroes.

Posted June 25, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | 58 Comments

You guys know the drill…vote for your favorite Judith McNaught to see who wins the Last JM Hero Standing Contest on Book Binge.

Round 1:

Battle 1: Royce Westmoreland (11) vs. Ian Thornton (10)
Battle 2: Clayton Westmoreland (6) vs. Jordan Townsende (15)
Battle 3: Nick Sinclair (5) vs. Ramon Galverra (5)
Battle 4:
Matt Farrell (19) vs. Zack Benedict (12)
Battle 5: Noah Maitland (10) vs. Michael Valente (6)
Battle 6: Mitchell Wyatt (6) vs. Cole Harrison (8)
Battle 7: Jason Fielding (21) vs. Stephen Westmoreland (3)
Battle 8: Spencer Addison (11) vs. Nikki DuVille (6)

Round 2:

Royce Westmoreland, Jordan Townsende, Nick Sinclair, Ramon Galverra, Matt Farrell, Noah Maitland, Cole Harrison, Jason Fielding, Spence Addison.


Alright, these are the guys that are left…the ones that got the votes and the ones that you have to choose from now. You guys have about 2 days to vote for your favorite heroes. On Friday morning, I’ll take the top 3 guys and put those three up for voting again, the winner of those three guys will be crowned, Book Binge’s Judith McNaught Hero of the Month and Battle of the Heroes Champ! =)

So let’s get the voting ladies! =)

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58 responses to “Author Spotlight: Judith McNaught’s Battle of the Heroes.

  1. Anonymous

    Oh my god – it has to be Royce! Though I firmly believe that ALL of JM’s heros are really one guy in different storyline, Royce is the best incarnation.


  2. megan

    Not fair! Couldn’t you have put one of them up against say…Ramon? I really have to pick? OK I’m going with Royce.

  3. I agree with Megan, so not fair to put two wonderful JM heroes against each other. Though, you’d have a hard time finding a non-wonderful JM hero.

    Since it’s Monday, I’ll go with Royce. Ask me on another day, and I’d have probably pick Ian. It’s just too hard to choose.

  4. Rowena

    LOL Katiebabs!

    My heart will always belong to Jordan in this match up though I do love me some Clayton! =)

  5. No doubt Jordan will win this one, but you can cast my vote for Clayton. I know he acted like an ass through most of the book, but he was a sexy ass! 😛

  6. Ugh, I missed the Clayton and Jordan battle… luckily, Jordan won. Jordan was way, way better than Clayton.

    Hmmm, I’m going with Nick. Although he was a bit of a jerk, the book was better.

  7. Anonymous

    ahhh, the 80’s guys. Like everything else about that decade, I fondly cringe when thinking both both men. Rich, mommyless, playboy or chauvinistic latin w/ product truck?

    I vote for the truck:)

  8. I guess it’ll have to be Nick as I never got into/read Ramon’s story. Although Nick was incredibly sexist, arrogant, even obnoxious etc etc. But he did a great grovel – and I love those!

  9. Anonymous

    I don’t know what it is about him but Matt was a hold on me like no other character JM has ever written. There’s no contest.


  10. Noah Maitland!! I vote for Noah! Michael was nice and all, but Noah was just better 🙂 and I love Night Whispers!

  11. Rowena

    You think so? I would think that because Matt is so popular, he should go up against someone who could hold their own against him, like Zack.

    Noah and Michael aren’t as popular as Matt and Zack and yet they could hold their own against each other.

  12. Remember When devoted many pages on Diana’s family and not enough on the romance. Though I feel the time that Mitchell and Kate had together before they were separated was rather short to believe it could have such a deep impact on them, there was better development when they reunited so I’m going for Mitchell Wyatt.

  13. Anonymous

    Cole! Cole!Cole!
    Sure the stories are different and cannot be compared but I ‘m a sucker for a guy who’s always got your back.

    Bonus points – he (probably) held her when she up-chucked. On their wedding day, no less.


  14. Bonus points – he (probably) held her when she up-chucked. On their wedding day, no less.

    HAHAHA! Probably? I love it.

    You know, I really liked Mitchell, especially in the longer revised pb version of EBYT, but I have to go with Cole. Probable up-chuck holding aside, I love that he and Diana stuck by each other and the conflict was external, rather than internal. Cole for sure!

  15. Actually, I hate Stephen, so I picked Jason.

    Besides, despite the fact that he’s a rapist and a cheater, I rather enjoyed Jason’s character.


  16. Anonymous

    Poor Stephen just seem blahh in comparision. (having his own story did help him at all!)


  17. hey Holly, why do you hate Stephen?

    I thought this one was a hard one. Psst, Rowena… how do you choose which hero you pitch vs which hero?

  18. Well, that’s not true, exactly: I liked Stephen in W,ML. I just didn’t buy his transformation in his own book. Plus, he was an ass. I didn’t really feel a connection with him at all.

  19. LOL, I liked him well enough in his own book. Of course, I didn’t read W,ML so perhaps that’s why. See that lone vote? that’s me LOL 😛

  20. Lori

    Besides, despite the fact that he’s a rapist and a cheater, I rather enjoyed Jason’s character.


    Jason, baby.

  21. OMG! WHO are Spencer Addison and Nikki DuVille??? I don’t remember them! I’m guessing Double Exposure and Miracles are novellas in anthologies? But WHAT anthologies?

  22. Anonymous

    Rowena — If you’re going on the theory that if you rip off the bandage quickly, it wouldn’t hurt as much…you’re sooooo mistaken.

    *sob* and *ouch!!*


  23. Anonymous

    OK. I went to do the DEED and the page is not working. Anyone else have this problem? I’ll try again tomorrow.

    Crap. This means I’ll have to swing the axe again……


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