Rowena’s review of Sugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas.
Hero: Hardy Cates, Gage Travis
Heroine: Liberty Jones
SHE’S FROM THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS Liberty Jones has dreams and determination that will take her far away from Welcome, Texas – if she can keep her wild heart from ruling her mind. Hardy Cates sees Liberty as completely off-limits. His own ambitions are bigger than Welcome, and Liberty Jones is a complication he doesn’t need. But something magical and potent draws them to each other, in a dangerous attraction that is stronger than both of them. HE’S THE ONE MAN SHE CAN’T HAVE When Hardy leaves town to pursue his plans, Liberty finds herself alone with a young sister to raise. Soon Liberty finds herself under the spell of a billionaire tycoon – a Sugar Daddy, one might say. But the relationship goes deeper than people think, and Liberty begins to discover secrets about her own family’s past. WILL THEY FIND THEIR HEARTS’ DESIRES OR WILL HEARTBREAK TEAR THEM APART?
Two men. One woman. A choice that can make her or break her. A woman you’ll root for every step of the way. A love story you’ll never forget.
This book gets a whopping WHOA DANG and a THASS WASSUP! from me.
Lisa Kleypas knocks this one right out of the park. A total grand slam that had me sighing with all the goodness one could hope to find in a book. As a first contemporary, I think she did a fantabulous job with this book.
Liberty Jones was a heroine to admire, befriend and love because of everything she went through and everything she lived through. The determination that was piled into this young woman was an honor that I quite liked…very much. To see Liberty Jones grow up before my eyes in this book was a delightful journey that had me rootin’ her on from the very beginning. Her love and drive for her younger sister, Carrington was enough to seal my love of this story from the moment little Carrington came into the story. To see the fierce bond between the sisters is something that I found quite charming. I loved reading about Liberty’s struggles and her triumphs and just everything she went through to grow into the shoes she was wearing at the very beginning.
She totally rocked!
Lisa Kleypas did an extraordinary job of making me fall in love with two totally different men. I don’t think I’ve ever fully loved two heroes in a book as much as I did Hardy and Gage. I mean, I haven’t read many other books where there were two heroes but I know that in all of the books that I read with two heroes, I loved one more than the other right from the very first. That wasn’t the case in this book.
In Liberty’s youth, she falls in love with Hardy Cates and if you ask me, it wasn’t hard to fall in love with the boy who took such good care of you. The one that helped you get over your fear of the mean growling pitbulls, the one who taught you how to perfect your basketball skills so you wouldn’t get teased mercillessly at school about it, the guy who drove your pregnant mother to the hospital to have your little sister, the one who cared enough to help you with your baby sister when you were babysitting and fretting about a school test that you needed to pass but couldn’t study for because the baby was being fussy, the one who cancelled a date to help you study for the test you want. The one who felt just as passionately about you as you did for him but couldn’t be with you because you were too young.
The one who wanted so much more than the town of Welcome, Texas could ever give him, the one who had nothing to offer you but wanted so much to offer something.
It wasn’t hard to fall for Hardy and his determination to get out of Welcome and make something of himself, to get out before he turned into the Father he never wanted to be.
When Hardy left town, I had my fingers crossed that he would find himself and come back for Liberty and Carrington. Make them a family, I wanted that so much that I was giddy to read on and see what would happen between Hardy and Liberty.
But then I met Gage Travis.
He was so different from Hardy and yet had the same steely strength that I loved so much in Hardy Cates. Seeing Liberty come out of her shell the way she did with Gage, mainly because it was so unexpected (okay not really but still, for Liberty it was) and their romance was slow to ignite, I fell hard for Gage.
It was amazing how Lisa Kleypas had the ability to make me feel Liberty’s indecision when faced with both of the men she’s loved all of her life. She’s had many men come and go in her life but her heart had only been touched by two.
Hardy and Gage.
Her indecision was just as hard on me as it was for Liberty because like Liberty, I was torn between the two men.
Her choice at the end was great, I was totally happy with her decision because when you look back, it was the right choice for her. It was the right choice for who she was and the person she became. I loved that she loved her chosen man with all that she was and that the hardness we all went through (me, her and the men, LOL) was necessary because it made her appreciate and love the man she chose with nothing holding her back. There wasn’t an elephant in the room when the decision was made, everything she went through took part in the way the book ended and I couldn’t have been happier.
Though, I was a bit disappointed in one of the men, it didn’t change how I felt about the story as a whole. This was a sure winner and I couldn’t have been happier with a book. I loved how the characters came to life for me and I loved how much I felt where all of the characters were concerned. When one of them hurt, I hurt and when one of them was happy, I rejoiced in their happiness. I loved how all of the i’s were dotted and all of the t’s were crossed. There wasn’t anything left hanging and I’m so glad, because it made me enjoy the book all the more.
Great great book!
A definite read!
4.75 out of 5.
This book is available from St. Martin’s Press. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
This is an amazing book isn’t it??? The entire series is pretty great really, but the beginning always holds a special place in your heart. Seeing glimpses of Liberty in the future books is really nice too!
Wonderful review and gotta agree, Lisa Kleypas does rock! 🙂
I really love reading this book, Sometimes I just pick it up and read my favorite parts.
And I think Liberty’s story was good for follow and I liked ‘knowing’ her for a such a long time.
I agree. This was a very good book.
I hated first person POV but Lisa cured me of it. I loved this series so much. So many little wisdoms that I wish I’d marked with sticky notes.