Another gem from Ellora’s Cave, the gift that keeps on giving even after all these years. I don’t even know what to say about this one. Definitely cringe-worthy.

Another gem from Ellora’s Cave, the gift that keeps on giving even after all these years. I don’t even know what to say about this one. Definitely cringe-worthy.
When gender confusion and atrocious photoshop skills collide!
Well, even Michelangelo had a tough time sculpting women, if you’ve seen his “Night” statue. Maybe this artist draws women better than men. Or men better than women. Although I’m not sure what this one is supposed to be.
By the way, I love this topic so much. I look forward to it every Saturday!
just all kinds of wrong
author goes on Fiverr for discount cover artist
“I want something that says ‘possible mer-man’ but leaves it open to interpretation.”
“Say no more. Do you want awkward body position?”
“Oh, yes please.”