It’s been awhile since I’ve looked for WTF Covers. Let me tell you, there is no shortage of WTFery out there. This one grabbed my attention but I can’t figure out why. It’s just kind of gross.
WTF Cover Saturday (355)
Tagged: Bad Book Covers, WTF Cover Saturday
Is that butt photoshopped??
It certainly has captured some ‘moon’light!
Hahahahaha! 😀
Yeah, that plot’s criminal, and she looks a little too happy to have a “stranger” appear in her bed. Hearkens 70s/80s bodice ripper plots.
Yikes! His HAIR! It’s long on top and bottom, short in the middle. It’s like a mullet plus an upside-down mullet. It’s BAD!
And yes, that butt. It’s chunky and lumpy where it’s photoshopped. Ew.
What, you don’t like chunky, lumpy butts? 😉