Today’s WTFery comes to us courtesy of reader Sandy. Sandy, we thank you for this gem of a cover.
How about this sexy beast? Doesn’t he make you want to dive right into this book? I know I can’t wait to start it.
You want him, you know you do.
Today’s WTFery comes to us courtesy of reader Sandy. Sandy, we thank you for this gem of a cover.
How about this sexy beast? Doesn’t he make you want to dive right into this book? I know I can’t wait to start it.
You want him, you know you do.
Ouch. This cover does not draw me in at all!
Wow, can’t help but wonder what this cover artist was thinking. (Or the publisher, if the artist didn’t have control) I wouldn’t pick this book up, based on that cover.
well that covers makes me want to run away screaming!! hehe
So gross!