True Love and Other Disasters (Chinooks Hockey Team #4) by Rachel Gibson
Series: Chinooks Hockey Team #4
Also in this series: See Jane Score
Publisher: Avon
Publication Date: April 28th 2009
Pages: 345
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Series Rating:

Disaster Number One: MEN
Hard knocks and hunger taught Faith Duffy not to believe in love. Still, when she married her very wealthy—and very old—husband, she became the perfect wife. And then he went to that big bank in the sky, leaving Faith with lonely nights, a pile of money, and a total mess of a pro hockey team. Heck, Faith doesn't even watch hockey!
Disaster Number Two: PASSION
But most of America and half of Canada is watching Ty Savage. His lethal sex appeal and deadly right hook make him the favorite of fans. For most of Ty's life, he's dreamed of winning the Stanley Cup. The last thing he needs is a bimbo messing up his plans.
Disaster Number Three: LOVE
Faith loathes Ty on sight, but she can't stop thinking about him all day ... and night. Then a moment of temptation ends with Faith in Ty's bed, and she begins to see there's more to him than sex appeal. Ty discovers there's far more to Faith than beauty and billions. But a relationship with Faith is impossible, and falling in love—that would be a disaster.
*****As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we’ll be re-posting old reviews that make us cringe, laugh or sigh all over again.
Holly: Oh man, did we all love Rachel Gibson back in the day. I have several of her more recent releases in my TBR pile, but for some reason I haven’t read them. I think I’m afraid the magic of these earlier works will be missing.
This review was originally published April 29, 2009
One of the main reasons I read Rachel Gibson is she writes engaging stories with characters that fall right off the pages and keeps me entertained from the first page all the way to the last page. I don’t have to plow my way through that first part of the book that can sometimes bore the ever living snot out of me. Her books take off right from the beginning and keeps me plugged in.
This book was no exception. I was on board with this story right from the first chapter. In the first chapter, we meet the hero and the heroine at the heroine’s husband’s funeral or wake. Right off the bat, this book reminded me of Susan Elizabeth Phillip’s It Had To Be You and I was eagerly waiting to see how Rachel Gibson would tell her version of that storyline.
For me, she knocked it out of the park.
There is no doubt that Rachel Gibson is a gifted writer. She writes these quirky little romances that makes you smile and entertains the socks right off of you and she did just that in this book. This story is about Faith Duffy inheriting her late husband’s hockey team, the Seattle Chinooks. You’ll remember The Chinooks from See Jane Score, as that was the team that Luc Martineau and his sexy “I want to lick his tatoo” self played for. In this book, Lucky is retired and there’s a new hunky captain on the prowl.
His name is Ty Savage.
Man, I could feast for days off of that man. I really like hockey men and I really love Rachel Gibson’s hockey men. I didn’t think I could love an RG hockey man as much as I loved Luc Martineau but I do now.
I love Ty, just wanted to tell you that..in case you missed it. =P It’s funny how I don’t watch hockey in real life but after reading this book, it’s made me curious enough to check a hockey game out.
Faith was a great heroine. She was one of those heroines that is easy to relate to even if you don’t have anything in common with her. Faith was such a likeable character that I found it very easy to sympathize with her. She was so likeable that I wasn’t mad one bit at her after two weeks passes after her husband death and she starts wanting to sleep with another man. I had very big issues with this in Robyn Carr’s book, Second Chance Pass but because Faith’s relationship with her husband was so different from Vanessa’s relationship with Matt, it didn’t bother me one bit when Faith started sleeping with Ty.
I thought they were perfect together and I loved watching these two fall in love with each other. I loved seeing Ty’s insecurities and I loved watching him bulldoze his way into Faith’s heart. It was a delight to read about and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is looking to enjoy another RG hockey book, for me, this is definitely a keeper.
4.5 out of 5
This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
I’m so excited about this book. Can’t wait to pick it up this weekend. Thanks for the review. I love Rachel’s hockey related books the best too. John Kowalsky of Simply Irresistible has been my fave of her heroes so it’ll be interesting to see how Ty compares. BTW it’s See Jane Score not date! 🙂
I knew it ! Thanks for your great review, I can’t wait to read this book !!!
I’m really anxious to read this one. I haven’t read a RG book in awhile, but this one sounds tempting, and I do love a good sports hero. And I ADORED “See Jane Score”.
Great review Rowena!
I really love Rachel Gibson’s writing and I’ve been waiting pretty impatiently for this one.
Mmm, I love, love, love See Jane Score, it’s in my Top 20 favorite romances of all time. (LOVE the tatt on Luc!).
So this one sounds fantastic. I was lukewarm on Gibson’s last series, but this sounds like a return to form. Good news for me!
off to the library!
Library: 0
Off to the book store!
I was just at her site last night checking this one out. I’m so glad it was such a winner for you! Off to add it to the tbb list.
Yay! Adding this one to my TBR list.
I can’t wait to read this one! It arrived last night. 🙂 Faith’s dead husband is Virgil, the almost husband for Georgianna in Simply Irresistible.
Thanks for the info – I’ll have to check this one out. 🙂
You know, I still haven’t read Simply Irresistible, I’m gonna have to get on that. I think everyone will enjoy this one because it reminded me of her other hockey books so its a definite keeper. And HAHA can you tell its been a long time since I’ve read SJS? Thanks for the heads up.
See Jane Score was my all time favorite RG book (me and a gazillion others). I adore her hockey heroes and I’m so glad she’s written another!
RG is a no brainer for me. Great nooners. I call them nooners, cause they don’t take a ton of thought, can be read in an afternoon, and they are always good for me. Always.
I haven’t read a Rachel Gibson book and I’m really trying to work out why not? See Jane Score (SJS) rings a bell…I think it was one of the book I was recommened when I asked for ‘Plain Jane’ books (but don’t quote me on that).
I think I’ll start with SJS *adds it to TBR list* and work my way through RG’s back list 🙂 Thank you Rowena!
Oh! I love both Rachel Gibson and SEP! And the sports team setting is awesome! I read the SEP one a while back and absolutely loved it and I also know See Jane Score, so I just have to get the book now! Unfortunately, I can’t give in to my feelings right away, as I have to see what I earned in April. That pretty much decides whether or not I can get it…
Out of the loop, late to the dance, but wanted to add my 2 cents. I read this today and really enjoyed it. Fun book.
Rosie, you aren’t that far out of the loop. I just finished this today myself. I thought it was fun, too. I’m really glad she went back to the hockey books!
Ween, good review, but were you as annoyed as I was when Faith said to Ty what Jane said to Luc? That bugged me.
Hey, Holly – yes yes yes! It did actually! It was the first time I could remember Rachel ever writing something so similar to one of her previous books, in fact it’s pretty much verbatim – or was it meant to be that, like a wink or something?
Though I also wanted to lick it. And I hate to be the one to drag it down to this grotty little level, but though Ty was gorgeous and the photo shoot scene was quite cute, I still prefer my favourite goalie…
“Quirky little romances”
I love those! I think the cover conveys that this is a fun book.