Sunday Spotlight is a new feature we’re running in 2016. Each week, we will spotlight a release that we’re excited about. We’ll be posting exclusive excerpts and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂
Fully Ignited is Book 3 in the Boston Fire series by Shannon Stacey and it features Scotty Kincaid. Scotty is a sexy firefighter from Boston who loves his family and his firefighting brothers…and now he’s going to fall in love with a fellow firefighting woman. squeals Love in the work place…count me in!

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Fully Ignited (Boston Fire #3) by Shannon Stacey
Releases on February 23, 2016 by Carina Press
Order the Book:
When Jamie Rutherford takes a temporary assignment as lieutenant of Boston Fire’s Engine 59, she doesn’t anticipate any problems. She’s been in the fire service for a long time and, even though she’s fairly new to Boston, she knows how to make any firehouse her home. What she’s not prepared for is her reaction to firefighter Scott Kincaid.
Scott is looking for a wife. It’s been a fun ride as a single guy, but he’s tired of being the third wheel, and nearly losing his brother-in-law finally made him realize just how much he wants a family of his own. When the new guy at the firehouse turns out to be a capable, confident and very attractive woman, his plan is completely derailed.
Hooking up with a fellow firefighter has never been part of Jamie’s plan, but she’s tempted by Scott—even though getting involved with him could tarnish the reputation she’s worked so hard for. And Scott can’t stop thinking about Jamie, despite the fact that she’s his superior and not sticking around. Chemistry can crush the best-laid plans, though, and while Jamie and Scott might not be each other’s future…there’s no resisting the right now.
Lydia set a frosted mug on a paper coaster in front of her. “You’re not a New Englander, judging by the accent. How’d you end up in Boston?”
Jamie shrugged, swirling what remained of her drink in the bottom of the glass. “Classic story, I guess. I moved here for a guy. Then the guy moved on and I didn’t.”
“Was he from here?”
“No. He got offered a job in pharmaceutical sales and we’d been together long enough so he asked me to go with him the first time. Once you do that, you’re pretty much an official couple, so every time he moved to a bigger city and a bigger company for work, I moved, too. Things were going south between us about the time he realized he hated being away from his parents and I like Boston, so he went home without me.”
“Where’s home?”
Jamie hated this part—all the questions—though she knew there was no way around it. The firefighting community was close-knit, and she was going to be part of if whether she wanted to be or not. “Nebraska.”
Lydia frowned. “Really?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody from Nebraska.”
Jamie laughed. “You’d be surprised how often I hear that.”
“You guys don’t even have a hockey team, do you?”
“Not a professional one, no.”
“Nothing to stop you from being a Bruins fan, then. Some of the guys are out back, playing pool. It’s that room off to the side over there.”
Wondering if one of the guys was Scott, Jamie picked up her beer and looked in the direction Lydia pointed. “Thanks. I guess I’ll say hi, at least.”
As she walked across the bar, she took a few deep breaths. If Scott was in there, she’d be ready for that spark she felt every time she saw him and make sure she didn’t look at him any differently than she looked at the other guys.
It wasn’t easy, though. There were four guys around the pool table, none of whom she recognized. But there, at a table against the wall, was Scott. He was sitting with a guy in a cast who had to be Danny Walsh, and they both smiled when they saw her.
Her stomach did a little flip-flop at Scott’s smile, so she focused on his companion. “You must be Danny.”
“Nice to meet you in person. I’d get up, but…” He waved a hand at the cast. “You’d probably be gone by the time I managed it.”
She stepped forward and shook his hand, before backing up. Unfortunately, in trying to put a little space between her and Scott, she backed up too far and bumped into one of the guys playing pool.
“Oh, sorry,” she said, turning to apologize.
The guys smile turned sleazy when he looked her over and his gaze caught on her Boston Fire T-shirt. “Who’d you sleep with to get the shirt, honey?”
“Excuse me?”
“Does he know you took it or did you sneak out in it?”
“The shirt belongs to me.” She turned her back on him because he wasn’t worth her time.
“Aw, don’t be like that, honey. You can play with my hose if you want.”
Jamie turned to give the guy the look. It was a look that had served her well over the years and, more often than not, ended with the person on the receiving end dropping his or her gaze and muttering an apology.
But the asshole wasn’t looking at her. He was looking over her shoulder, and before she could grasp what that meant, somebody rushed by her to the right.

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Awwww yeah, Scotty defending Jamie’s honor. That’s my dawg!!! I’m so looking forward to reading this book dammit!
Boston Fire Series

Giveaway: We’re giving one lucky winner their choice of one of our Sunday Spotlight books. Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter for one of January’s features.
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Are you as excited for this release as we are? Let us know how excited you are and what other books you’re excited for this year!
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Shannon Stacey lives with her husband and two sons in New England, where her favorite activities are writing romance and really random tweets when she’s not riding her ATV. She loves mud, books, football & watching way too much TV.
This one from Shannon Stacey as well as her novella, A Fighting Chance.
Brotherhood in Death by JD Robb
The Spring at Moss Hill by Carla Neggers
All That I Am by Nicole Helm
And even though it’s considered a March release, Taking Fire by Cindy Gerard (Feb 23rd)
I excited about A Gentleman’s Game by Theresa Romain, I Wish You Were Mine by Lauren Layne, and the two books Shannon Stacey has coming out in February.
Appealed by Emma Chase….thanks