Rowena’s review of fml by Shaun David Hutchinson.
Main Character: Simon
Love Interest: Cassie or Stella
There’s more than one way to get the girl in this fun and fast-paced novel about one epic party and a kiss that could change everything.Tonight’s the night: Simon’s big chance to finally get with Cassie. Cassie, who he’s loved for ages. Cassie, who is newly boyfriend-free. Cassie, who just happens to be throwing the biggest party of the year. Simon’s plan is simple: He’ll go to the party, she’ll fall in love with him, they’ll make out like crazy, and the night will be a complete success.
But things don’t ever go as planned…especially when it comes to Cassie.
In two alternating plotlines, Simon goes after the girl of his dreams and stumbles toward his destiny. It’s one night, one party, and a thousand ways for things to go wrong…but a million ways for them to go right.
This book is told in dual perspective and I thought that would be interesting so I was interested and while I did enjoy some aspects of this book, mostly I was just confused. You see, Simon is in love with Cassie or maybe, obsessed with Cassie is more acurate of what Simon feels for Cassie. He went on a date with her years ago and never kissed her. He’s been living with that regret ever since and once she’s broken up from her boyfriend, he’s finally got his chance to right that wrong from that first date.
The book is told in two realities and they’re so similar that it was hard to keep up at first and once I felt like I got a good hold on the two stories, I spent most of the book trying to figure out which one was the real storyline. The whole book was confusing and it would have been okay if I liked the guy in the story and while he was okay, I still wanted to punch him in the throat a few times.
It’s one thing to have the biggest crush on someone you go to school with and to fantasize about that person but what Simon had on Cassie was more obsession than anything else…and not in a good way, either. I mean, he was so blinded by his need for Cassie that he didn’t hear or see anything around him. His friends couldn’t talk any sense into him because he knew what he wanted and finally had his chance to go after it. While that is all good and dandy, it was really apparent that Cassie was not the same girl from their date all those years before. She was a complete stranger to him and his incessant need to analyze every look and conversation that he had with her got to be annoying. Even his friends were fed up with his obsession with her. One of his best friend even told him that he was done with him forever after he helped him try to win her affections. Said he wasn’t going to go to college and help fix him anymore, he was done with it all. After reading this book, I couldn’t blame him.
Overall, this book just wasn’t for me. It wasn’t a bad book, I just couldn’t connect with Simon or any of the other characters, even the girl that ends up being the love interest. I wish it had worked better for me because I was looking for a fun book and this just wasn’t it for me.
Grade: 2 out of 5
This book is available from Simon Pulse. You can purchase it here or here in e-format. This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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