For His Eyes Only by Liz Fielding
Publisher: Harlequin Kiss
Publication Date: February 25, 2014
Format: eARC
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“It’s your body that I want to draw, not your clothes.”
Well, that’s what she was afraid of! Hardworking estate agent Natasha Gordon finds her reputation in tatters when an ad she created gets bungled. She’ll do anything to restore her good name–even beg seriously sexy artist Darius Hadley to give her another chance to sell his ancestral home. Only, he drives a hard bargain: Natasha must pose naked, for his eyes only…!
He’s asking Natasha to take him on trust. But she’s learned the hard way not to trust men–particularly those she’s working with…and let alone men she’s taking her clothes off for!
Darius’s next outrageous statement? “I will, too–if it will make it easier for you….”
Tasha Gordon is a wonderful real estate agent and is moving up in her career on a daily basis. She has no life, but the life she does have she absolutely loves. Then one day she’s called into her bosses office. She believes that she’s about to get the partnership in the business that she’s been working towards. Instead she gets read the riot act by her boss because of an ad for a house she’s selling. The ad that she wrote tells about the wonderful aspects of the house but the one that was printed tells those and all of the things that are wrong with the house. She was sabotaged, she’s sure but that doesn’t stop her. She may not have a job any longer but she’s not about to sit around and have her career go down the toilet. She contacts the owner of the house, who she lusts after, with a proposition for selling the house for no fee.
Darius is an artist who just wants his family estate sold. He wants nothing to do with the home he grew up in as it holds both good and bad memories. He accepts Tasha’s proposition but only if he lets her draw her nude. She accepts and they go about trying to sell the house (that really does have some issues). While they are in the process of the sale they get to know each other better and eventually come to love each other.
This is my first book by Liz Fielding but I have a feeling it won’t be my last. I really liked so many things about this book.
First off I loved that Darius and Tasha, even though they lusted after each other, really didn’t get along that well at first. They were butting heads but still working together – well, and trying to keep their hands off of each other – and doing well with it all.
Darius has issues centered around the house and his family that surfaced because of the sale of the house. He dealt with them in his own way and I loved that Tasha, just being the lovely person she was, helped him through it all.
The story just flowed so well until almost the end of the book. They were together and falling in love and then Darius had second thoughts. That I understood, but after that it seemed that things got disconnected and lacked the emotion that had been in full force up until that point. The way the story was laid out made us think that time had passed when the hero and heroine may have been together but I wasn’t sure. I guess I didn’t like the not knowing what had happened when before we had been privy to all happenings. It all worked out in the end though and ended with a wonderful HEA so I was happy.
Rating: 4 out of 5
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