20 Years Ago Today

Posted November 6, 2013 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 9 Comments

20 years ago today my hubby and I were getting married. It was a gorgeous November day and I was frustrated as hell that my sisters had left me at my sisters apartment with no vehicle and no way to get where I needed to go! lol  Especially when they were almost 2 hours late taking me to get my hair done!  Geez! 😉 Despite rushing around like chickens with our heads cut off the ceremony was wonderful and went off without a hitch.  

And they lived happily ever after. 
Truthfully we’ve had our ups and downs and I’m realistic enough to know that those won’t quit now that we’ve hit 20 years.  But I love my hubby and can’t imagine my life without him in it.
Happy Anniversary John!

At a party not long after we met in 1991

November 6, 1993

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9 responses to “20 Years Ago Today

  1. Thanks all! I can't believe it's been so long but I'm happy to say that we're happier now than ever! 🙂

    Yes, lots of hair! lol

  2. Happy 20th Anniversary, Tracy! And,many more!

    I love the pictures. Who had the best hair? It's a competition and a very close call! *g*

  3. Hey, Baby Girl, I remember that day. In fact, I just unpacked the "mother of the bride" dress I wore that day. Of course, I can't get into it anymore, but it still holds pride of place as one of my favorites. You two are precious to me and I hold you close in my heart. And my prayers are with you for many more happy years together.

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