Review: The Wrong Billionaire’s Bed by Jessica Clare

Posted October 26, 2013 by Tracy in Reviews | 1 Comment

The Billionaire Boys Club is a secret society of six men who have vowed success–at any cost. Not all of them are old money, but all of them are incredibly wealthy. They’re just not always as successful when it comes to love…

Audrey Successful, Petty’s always been the responsible one. The good twin. dependable, and trustworthy–that’s Audrey. She’d be the perfect girlfriend for her childhood crush, billionaire Cade Archer…except that she’s pretty sure she’s not even on his radar. But when fate (and her chaotic twin) come together, Audrey finds out that she’ll be spending the next month with Cade at his remote cabin retreat. It’s a dream come true…

Until she meets her worst nightmare.

Billionaire playboy Reese Durham is used to seducing women to get what he wants. But when stiff, too-proper Audrey bursts into the private mountain lodge and scares his companion out the door, it’s time for a little revenge. It’s clear that Audrey’s in love with his buddy, Cade…and it’s clear to Reese that blackmailing Audrey with this information can get her to agree to just about anything. Like furtive kisses in the dark, or a secret rendezvous in the woods. Audrey may think she knows what she wants, but Reese is determined to show her what she needs.

And as Reese discovers the volatile minx behind the buttoned-up exterior, he starts to think maybe she’s just what he needs, too.

Audrey Petty has been the “good” twin almost all of her life. She’s kind and thoughtful. She’s always ready to help out in a pinch and she’s the backbone of her family. Her twin on the other hand is kind of a nightmare. Daphne’s a singer and has crashed and burned so badly that Audrey may not be able to get back the twin she once knew. Daphne asks Audrey for help and she agrees. They end up at their lifetime friend’s cabin with the purpose of getting Daphne free from drugs and alcohol.

Cade is a billionaire and one of the members of the Billionaire Boys Club. He came from nothing but has built up a huge company and obviously has money. He’s more than happy to off his mountain getaway to his friends Daphne and Audrey and even meets them there to offer his assistance. This is wonderful for Audrey since she’s been in love with Cade most of her life. Yes, she knows that her main focus will be Daphne but spending some alone time with Cade will be a bonus and something she’s looking forward to.

Life, of course, does not go as planned and when the girls show up at the cabin they find Cade’s friend, and fellow Billionaire’s Boys Club member, Reese Durham in the hot tub with his latest woman. When Audrey asks them to leave and they don’t she starts taking pictures which freaks the woman out and amuses Reese. Woman takes off and Reese is left at the cabin. He decides to stay even though Audrey wants him gone. The pair of them fight like cats and dogs but Audrey soon finds that she likes the way that Reese fires her up.

Daphne ends up spending more and more time with Cade which leaves Reese and Audrey to fight and love. Neither really thinks that they’re falling for the other but when it comes down to choosing who they want to be with things get a bit sticky.

This was another great BBC book. I really like the men in this series as they are all friends and yes, rich, but they all have very distinct personalities which makes each book unique. In this book Reese is such an egotistical bastard – at least that’s how he appears. I think under all the charm he’s got a much softer inner man that finds something he needs in Audrey.

Audrey’s crush for Cade has been such a long-standing thing that even Audrey didn’t know that it didn’t exist any longer. Once she actually goes out with him she finds that she just likes him as a friend and nothing more. She needs the fire that Reese brings out in her to make herself feel like she’s a whole person – not just someone that’s there for everyone else. She can be herself around Reese and he still loves her.

Spoiler Alert:


Anyway, overall a good story. I loved the family loyalty, the friendships, the fights and the lovin – it made for a great read.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Jessica Clare

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