WTF Cover Saturday (1)

Posted February 2, 2013 by Holly in Features | 5 Comments

I’ve seen some bad covers in my day. Ellora’s Cave always has some awful ones. Plus, I remember all of those scary, terrible ones from the glory days of shudder

But this cover? HOLY YIKES, BATMAN. I might have nightmares after seeing this.


I did not want the image of someone’s grandma getting tied up in my head.

Someone send the brain bleach? Stat.

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5 responses to “WTF Cover Saturday (1)

  1. It IS an unusual cover, but aside from whatever graphics mess they made down there in the boob area, I’ve seen worse. The model looks like someone I’d want to invite over to have tea and sammiches. I keep thinking, she looks like such a nice lady! So, a bit of a fail if the intention was to convey erotic content with no safewords.

    What scares me about this cover is this: “A Marketplace fan anthology.” That screams horrible writing to me.

  2. OMG…My eyes…My eyes…lol It’s just so wrong to torment others with this!! BookStrand is another site that has some pretty awful covers but this one may even beat out some of their worst!!! I would say thanks for sharing but…..

  3. @Carolyn Jewel – Yes, exactly. The cover doesn’t fit the content for one and two..why the strange graphics across her boobs? that’s just..not right. Not right at all.

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