I’ve seen mention around the web that Sebastard from Glee (I’m not a fan of Sebastian so he’s Sebastard to me), played by Grant Gustin is showing interest in playing Finnick in the movie version of Catching Fire.
What do you guys think? Can you guys see him playing Finnick? If no, who would you choose to cast as Finnick in the movie? Curious minds want to know…
..and that’s your scoop!

Hmm, I always pictured Finnick as mixed race with long-ish curly hair…God knows if that’s in the book or I made it up! I don’t see Grant Gustin as him, though.
I just can’t picture him playing Finnick. He’s too young. I don’t remember if it says his age in the book, but I’d always thought he’d be in his thirties. And, I don’t know why, I always imagined him with big chocolate eyes. I really loved Finnick in the book and would really be sad if they chose the wrong person to play him.
i just read an article and kellan lutz from twilight wanted to be in the hunger games movie i thought he would be a good finnick. maybe???
Hi Becky,
Thanks for stopping by. I haven’t pictured Finnick in my head (I’m terrible at casting characters anyway) but I would have never pictured Grant Gustin as Finnick. Not sure who would be hot enough for the job though.
@Sarah Lydia: I know what you mean and I’m right there with you. I’m not a fan of this casting, at all. I didn’t picture Finnick in his thirties, more like early to mid 20’s.
Kellan Lutz? Yeah, I guess but I don’t think he’s all that attractive but that’s just me. I don’t think I’d be mad that he was cast since he’s a little older and it makes a little more sense.