I absolutely LOVED the books from this series and even though I’ve been anxious about the release of the movie, I’m also a bit scared that it won’t turn out the way that I hope it does but I can’t seem to remember my reservations about the movie after seeing this trailer.
This trailer is full of awesome and from what I remember (I have a crap memory sometimes) it follows the book pretty nicely so woo hoo! I’m so going to the midnight showing of this book…who’s with me?
March 23, 2012 couldn’t get here fast enough to suit me…seriously!
Squeee, how hottie looking is Gale? I can’t seem to remember why I was Team Peeta but I’m sure when I watch the movie, I’ll remember…=)
..and that’s your scoop!

I am so excited! This trailer is so amazing, I cannot wait for the movie. And I agree, it does seem to follow it really well (the author did write the script for this right?) I am pretty sure I will be at the midnight showing of this too 🙂
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ikr love it
What the heck this is so fricken EXCITING! I’m so there on March 23 2012 for that opening YES! I loved the books and was totally hooked after Book one.
CANT WAIT putting the date in my phone right now to save the date!