Like with everything in my life, I was late to the party with the whole BBAW thing so I didn’t set up any blogger interviews to post nor did I set anything to get interviewed anyone else so instead, I’m going to post a round up of blogger interviews around blogland that I read and enjoyed.
It’s always nice to read more about the bloggers you know from the books they read. I really do enjoy reading a lot of the interviews, getting that inside look into my favorite blogger’s. So let’s see what I’ve seen around blogland today.
Alex over at A Girl, Books and Other Things did a nifty interview swap with Kristen from Beneath Shining Stars, I Read that’s good for a read. Kristen’s blog is a new to me blog so thanks bunches to Alex for introducing me to another book blogger, I look forward to stalking Kristen’s blog which (is definitely a handful to say) looks like a great blog. She’s got to have good tastes in books since she’s looking forward to Lola and the Boy Next Door and she loved Anna and the French Kiss, total win!
Melody from Melody’s Reading Corner did an interview swap with Julia from Julia’s Book Corner that was great to read as well. It’s always nice to find out what happened to each book blogger that made them want to start their blogs. I’m nosy so of course I’m all about those stories.
The lovely Fiction Vixen did an interview swap with Damaris from Good Choice Reading which was another great interview. Damaris was spot on with her answer to what it’s like being on a collaborative blog. Having teammates really takes the load off your shoulders and doesn’t bog you down with the enormous job of keeping a blog afloat on your own. Lately, I find that if I’m not into a book, I’ll stick it on my DNF shelf and move on. Like Sophia, I wasn’t always like that. It’s neat to see that there are so many other people that have the same reading quirks as me.
There are so many other blogging peeps out there being interviewed so make your blog hops rounds because you’re missing out if you’re not reading all of this blogging goodness. I’d be here all day linking to my favorite blog interviews but I’ll leave you with just a taste. =)
Happy blog hopping!
..and that’s your scoop!

Hahaha! I was lagging behind on this one, too. It seems I don’t pay as much attention as I should to it. Some of my favorite interviews were from Supernatural Snark. I love the questions Jenny asks. Awesome post, Rowena. I’m always on the lookout for good new blogs. I loved Anna and the French Kiss and I’m so excited for Lola and the Boy Next Door! Epic win!
In the Closet With a Bibliophile
I am doing mini interviews on my blog so if you want to you can join in there too!
I liked Melody and Julia’s interview between friends!
*hugs* thanks for the love!
I’m kind of running 20 minutes late with BBAW this year, barely scrapping by.
Plus, I just got sick… *sigh*
Anyway! I’ll check out those interviews 🙂 I trust your recs.
I’m stopping by and following from Alex’s blog! I’ll have to check out all the interviews!
@Jen: Welcome to my blog and being late to the party isn’t always a bad thing, we still keep the party going so it’s all good. =)
@Marg: Weren’t they pretty awesome? I’ll stop your blog in a minute (during a commercial for SOA, I’m addicted)
@Alex: You’re very welcome. Keep writing awesome posts (and asking fabulous questions in your interviews) and I’ll keep right on pimping your blog out! =)