
Posted April 14, 2011 by Ames in | 15 Comments

Hey everyone, this is Wena’s friend, Ames. She’s asked me to let everyone know she’s going to be MIA from blogging for a bit.  She lost her mom yesterday.   She wanted to me let you know she’s doing as well as can be expected.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time Wena.



15 responses to “Rowena

  1. I’m sorry for saying I’m sorry because I know it dosen’t do anyone any good. But I am sorry because I know how hard it is to lose your mom. It’s the worst right after when there’s a funeral and cards and flowers and hugs, and even after that it hurts for a long time. And i know people say this, because people are people. But eventually it get’s easier. Eventually the pain fades and even though that loss stays with you, it gets lighter and it gets easier to remember.

    I’m sorry Row!

  2. Anonymous

    Rowena, I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts are with you and your family during this time.


  3. Rowena

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts, you can’t imagine how grateful I am for them. =)

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