Mini review: A Lady’s Wish by Katharine Ashe

Posted March 13, 2011 by Tracy in Reviews | 5 Comments

Nik and Patricia met at a fair 9 years ago and fell in love after only hours spent in each others company. Due to many reasons they never saw each other again but never stopped dreaming for the other person, and in Nik’s case, he never stopped looking for her in every woman he saw.

Now both Nik and Patricia have been sent on separate missions to find a treasure – Nik by a friend and Patricia by a letter she recieved from her dead husband (through his solicitor). On the way they run in to each other but is what they felt for each other all of those many years ago really love or just the fancy dreams of two young people?
This is an absolutely charming novella that I very much enjoyed reading.  I’ve not read Ashe before but I will definitely be looking for the book before this novella and will be reading her next books in the series.

I love stories of love reunited and though this one was short it was no less wonderful. The emotion of both Patricia’s and Nik’s suffering was so strong and I felt it quite deeply.

I don’t want to give anything away but suffice it to say that it’s definitely a novella worth reading.

Edit: This is a novella that is part of the Rogues of the Sea historical trilogy and comes after the first book Swept Away By A Kiss.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

This book releases from Avon Impulse on March 15th

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