Main Character: Bridget
Love Interest: Liam
Series: ??
Author: Website|Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads
Heroine, Bridget Duke, rules her high school, but when she crashes her car and ends up in limbo, she must confront the people she has wronged, all of whom want her to go to hell. The outcome of these meetings will decide her final destination.
Nothing annoys me more than a teenager with the kind of attitude that Bridget had. The attitude that says, I’m better than you and I know it (and you should know it too). The attitude that she’s above the rules and what not. It’s why I can’t stand a lot of the teenagers that my niece Chelsea brings home with her. They all have this attitude and they make me want to smack those stupid grins off their faces.
There were times aplenty that I wanted to smack Bridget upside her head and then she goes into the Head Master’s office and she starts spewing lots of crap and I immediately and instantly hated her guts. What surprised me is that over the course of the book, I began to loathe Bridget more and more because she was such a bleeping brat. There was no excuse for the way that she treated people. She was the total mean girl and I did not like her at all and it affected my enjoyment of the book.
My main gripe with this book was that the author doesn’t really explain why Bridget acted the way that she did. It’s hinted at but after I finished the book, I didn’t have that sense of, “Ahhh, okay I get it now…” I was left feeling like she didn’t grovel nearly enough. I didn’t leave the book with that feeling of contentment that everything ended the way that it should have ended. I wanted Bridget to grovel more, she spent so much time screwing everyone else over and within a few pages, tries to make amends for it all. I didn’t really see her come into her own, I saw that she was going to die if she didn’t make everything right in the few hours that she got.
Even though I enjoyed the book as a whole, I was left wanting more and that’s why this book is getting a C from me. I enjoyed Meredith’s character. My favorite part of this book was when Bridget saw the other side of the coin. When she visits Meredith, Liam, Michelle and Brett, when she sees what her actions caused her, that was when the book started getting interesting. I took pleasure in seeing Bridget squirm but for me, it just wasn’t nearly enough squirming to make up for what she did but I would definitely read another book by Paige Harbison.
..and that’s your scoop!
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Thanks for the review Wena, think I’ll be skipping this one!
eck! I hate the “No-Grovel” books!
^Sigh* that’s too bad.
Great review,
I just finished this book maybe 30 mins ago. I liked it fine enough. I to hated Bridget. Thanks for the review.
Yeah, it wasn’t the best book which was a bummer.
Thanks Alex! This isn’t a book that I’d be thrilled about recommending.
Got to admit. Invincible Summer sounds deliciously tempting.
Hey great review and actually I read the book even before reading it and to all those reading this, it really IS a really good book i reaalllllyy like it i had read it twice I’m in 8th grade i read it for the 1st time last yr and again this year. my mom is a librarian, she read it as well but didn’t ilk it as much as i did but i think the main character learned a lot through all her experiences but yea totally makes my top ten list! 🙂 nice review! :3