Today Jennifer Ashley is here to talk about latest release, Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage
, and The
Mackenzie brothers the series revolves around. Who doesn’t love yummy Scottish heroes?
Thank you so much for inviting me! Good to be here!
This week I’ve been screaming in excitement about the release of Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage (Book 2 of the series featuring the Mackenzies). For a while I was uncertain that there would even be a Book 2, so I’m doubly excited that it and its gorgeous cover are now on the shelves.
If you have no idea what series I’m talking about, here’s an intro: The Mackenzies are four decadent, dangerous, maddening and very hot Scottish men first introduced in The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. The oldest, Hart, is a duke; the other three his lordling brothers (and one nephew). Each of them is a tortured genius in his own way, and the youngest, Ian, has Asperger’s (years before anyone knew about autism), which made him a very interesting hero to write, believe me!
I’m having a wonderful time creating the history of this family as well as developing the characters of the four brothers. My website: http://www.jennifersromances.
com/NewSite/Mackenzies/ mackenzie_main.html contains bios of the four brothers, a family tree, and excerpts of the two current books—more will be added as the series continues (e.g., Cameron’s blurb and excerpt will arrive soon). The Mackenzie series, thus far, has been a great success for me. So, I want to ask readers, what is it about Scotsmen that’s so appealing? I for one, wanted to write about Scotsmen with kilts and brawn and their huge ancestral Highland home, even though in the novels the Mackenzies wear Victorian suits, and own houses in London as well as Scotland.
It’s obviously not just me—I can’t walk through the romance section of a bookstore without Highlanders and plaid jumping out at me from the shelves. Jamie Fraser, from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, is arguably one of the most popular heroes of the romance community—and he’s Scottish.
What is it then? Is it because even now, Scotland seems wild and somewhat removed from the hectic pace of day-to-day life? Is it the accents? The remote beauty of the Highlands?
I personally think the kilts have something to do with it. A handsome man in a kilt is hot, no? Plus there’s that speculation of what he’s wearing (or not) under it.
I like men in kilts so much I decided that Mac, the hero of Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage, does his best painting when he’s wearing nothing but a kilt and old boots, with a red gypsy scarf around his head to keep the paint out of his hair. (Good visual?)
So, what do you all think? Why do you like Scottish heroes? (And if you don’t, please say why not. I’m curious.)
I’m throwing in a book for a giveaway to a commenter drawn here, so go for it! And thank you so much for having me at the Book Binge!!Jennifer Ashley
Sexy highlanders in kitls, with those oh-so-yummy accents? Jennifer, you’re a woman after my own heart! Thanks so much for blogging with us today!
If you’d like to win a copy of Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage, leave a comment on this post answering Jennifer’s questions from above, and we’ll throw your name in. Contest ends July 15, 2010.
This book is available from Berkley Sensation. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
Honestly, it’s not the fact that they’re Scottish, it’s just whatever makes them THEM. The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie was my first historical with a Scottish hero. : ) Sure, I’ve read a few paranormals with sexy heroes who have Scottish accents, but that’s as close as I’ve gotten to a man in a kilt.
I love anything to do with Scotland or Ireland. I don’t know what it is really. But the kilt certainly doesn’t hurt! 🙂
I loved Lord Ian’s book! I can’t wait to get Lady Isabella!
Love the Macs!!! Scottish men are brawny and beautiful! Even Sean Connery’s eyebrow is sexy! I am of Scottish descent, and nothing is sexier than a Hunky Highlander “kilt to the hilt”, proudly wearing the tartan plaid. They look so good, and then when the Scottish burr begins to rumble, I am a goner : )
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I love the Mackenzies! Espcially Mac! I never thought I would be as dawn to a character as I was to Ian, but then I read Lady Isabella and really felt for Mac. It’s a great story of change and growth. Shows how you can make mistakes and then work to change those behaviors. I loved his tortured artists soul.
LOVE Scottish heroes. From Lord Ian to Jamie Frasier. Tough, tender, down to earth. They are the things that make romance so fun to read!
I have to agree with Mollie. For me, it has something about them having (in reality/history) suffered such oppression/struggles/hatred that makes them the ideal alpha men. Besides the Irish and Scottish have such a rich history. And the kilts are definitely the icing on the cake! 🙂
I have not read any of your books but had read the blurb for Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage and was very intrigued!
I love Scottish heroes. I think it’s the independent spirit, history, wild remote setting of the Highlands, and those kilts, definitely the kilts.
I’m looking forward to reading your Mackenzie series, the books sound wonderful.
It’s totally the accent. My husband can do one, and I melt every time. — wilaful
I *love* that visual of Mac, Jennifer. :X I hope it’s ok I found it more than a little amusing as well. I’m sure he looks great in it though 😉 What little there is.
As for Scottish heroes… I’m hit or miss on them. My issue isn’t with them so much, however, as with the secondary character’s dialogue. Often I find it too jarring, or that their accent/vernacular is too forced.
Otherwise, I love the strong rugged type who continues on against man and nature. Wild is a good way to describe it.
I think it’s how fierce their loyalty is portrayed in books. I’m thinking of Alex Kincaid in The Bride and Gabriel MacBain in Saving Grace, both by Julie Garwood. They would go to incredible lengths to protect their families, their people, and their land. It’s just really inspiring to read about. When you put it together with a romance, you almost can’t miss.
I have The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie at home. I think I’ll be picking it up sooner rather than later.
For me, the ‘scottishness’ of a hero isn’t intrinsically appealing or unappealing, it tends to be more about their personality or character. Then again, I haven’t read many scottish heroes apart from Julie Garwood’s, so it’d be great to have the chance to read about the Mackenzies.
First and foremost of why I love a Scottish hero is that amazingly sexy accent. Kilts also add in an air of mystery that furthers their sexiness. The land of Scotland also inspires romantic thoughts so the men there all can be heroes.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Accent and legs!
Jennifer, you’re fabulous!
scottish heroes are the best! sexy accents, brave, rugged, loyal–i love reading about them!
Definitelt the kilts. And the accents 🙂
I adore this series!
What is it about Highlanders? I think its their sense of honour first and foremost.
Then there’s the dichotomy of their strength and being strong enough to rock the kilt!
I once heard a friend proposition her husband (he being Scottish) and his answer was a simple, brogue-laden Aye in response and parts of me (better left unmentioned) clenched and still clench at the memory.
And did I mention the kilt??
I am not a huge fan of Scottish hero, but love their accents and I love the Mackenzies, they are fun!
For me, I like the Scottish heroes because of their devotion to family and their love of their homeland.
I have trouble resisting a book about a Scottish hero. I guess it’s because usually a Scottish hero possesses strength, honor, and loyalty. Once he commits to a woman or a cause, he is totally committed. The strong sense of importance placed on family attracts me, too.
For me it all started oh, over a decade ago, with Outlander–but it wasn’t the accent, oddly enough, it was the whole “loyalty, courage and unbreakable core of decency” thing 😀
I love Scottish men because of their accents and their presence is very strong and alpha male. Gotta love those kilts too 😉
I must be one of the few people not impressed with scottish hero. In fact, I go the other way. I read the Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. I really loved the book. And I’m doing a re-read before reading Mac’s story.
Thanks for all your great comments! I see Scottish heroes are loved (I agree about the legs).
If you like accents, have you ever watched the Brit show Monarch of the Glen? Rent it. It’s funny, sometimes sad, has beautiful Scottish scenery, and men with accents (and kilts). 😉
I’m simply crazy about men in kilts, I don’t know why though, you are right, there is just something about a bare chested brawny guy in a bright plaid – gunh! It’s sexy plain and simple! Plus, I love a Scottish accent which just completes the picture. As an Outlander fan, red hair doesn’t hurt either! I’m in the midst of reading your latest and I love, love, love it! I adore Mac and the way he paints in just his kilt (and the bandana on his head – what an image!) I’ve been so eager to read this book and it’s living up to all my expectations! I loved Ian’s story and am eager for the Cameron and Hart’s, but how am I going to wait a whole year and then another – eep! Thanks so much for writing these, they are great and my favorites!
Why do you like Scottish heroes ?
Always the accent, and that kilts 🙂
I love Scottish heroes! I think it has something to do with my ancestors. I’m Scotch Irish from the Clan Stuart.
Oooooo . . . this one looks as great as the first book. Please throw my name in the “pot.” Jennifer Ashley certainly has written two winners!
Scottish heros are wonderful — strong, loyal, and that accent 😉 how can you not love them 😀
I really enjoyed Ian’s book and fell in love with all the Mackenzies 🙂 I think Mac & Isabelle are a wonderful couple and look forward to their happy ever after.
Although I love the accent and the thought of men in kilts, I rarely read Highlander stories – that storyline is usually a negative to me, not a positive. However, the MacKenzies are just so delicious. I adored Ian and am looking forward to reading the rest.
A man in a quilt is to die for!
The accent. Guh, the accent. *swoons*
And I do love the way they’re portrayed as just a little on the wild side. 🙂
What’s not to love about a Scotsman? They have a sexy accent, usually they are portrayed as being big and brawny, and they protect their women.
I use to read quite a few Scottish romances, but got a bit tired of the genre. At the time, publishing houses were releasing too many Scottish romances. I did like the backdrop of different clans and the feuding, however.
I like the dichotomy in your new series where the heroes are clearly Scots, yet that’s in stark contrast to their London lifestyle.
Will one of the remaining brothers have his story set in Scotland?
I like Scottish heroes because they are strong,untamed, sexy alpha males.
Kim asked: “Will one of the remaining brothers have his story set in Scotland?”
Yes, much of Cameron’s and Hart’s stories will involve their Scottish home/homes, though there will be action in London as well. Cam and Hart will both have Scottish heroines (Ainsley and Eleanor).
I love the accent the kilts so sexy.
“Yes, much of Cameron’s and Hart’s stories will involve their Scottish home/homes, though there will be action in London as well. Cam and Hart will both have Scottish heroines (Ainsley and Eleanor).”
Thanks, that’s great. It will be interesting to see how the changing setting effects the plot & characters.
I love reading about Scotland and Ireland—and men in kilts certainly ramp up the interest.
The accent and the kilt. Those are what draw me in and then the history, bravery, honor, and hot bodies seals the deal. 🙂
cories119 [at]
Big, brawny, stubborn men in kilts… what’s not to like.
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie was one of my favorites of 2009. That book alone would make me love Scottish heroes! I’m looking forward to reading about Mac and Isabella. Thanks.