OMG I’m Not That Old

Posted June 18, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 17 Comments

Last night I picked my youngest up from her Taekwondo class and then drove home.  I asked her if her and my other daughter had watched the movie that we had gotten from Netflix and she said no.  Then she asked if I had seen the movie before. I said that I had but that it had been a long, long, long, long time since I’d seen it since it had come out the year after I’d graduated high school.  She just looked at me with her little deadpan expression and said, “Just tell me one thing, is it in color?”
Omg How old does she think I am? lol  I told her that I may be a lot older than her but I’m not that old! *sigh*
K – I’m gonna go pick the gray hairs out of my head now.


17 responses to “OMG I’m Not That Old

  1. Tam

    Yep, I've gotten that one. I said something about some movie that came out the year I was born and I got the look "They had color then?" and no, she wasn't being sarcastic. LOL

  2. Aren't our children just sooo lovely, lmbo!!!!
    Those are those priceless moments that we talk about… to someone else!!!
    Have a great weekend!!

    Hey, thought… maybe you should rent one in black and white.. just to see the look of horror that they have to sit and watch it… or better yet.. a silent movie! LOL!

  3. Patti – Pretty funny, huh? 🙂

    Lori – It was the original Karate Kid – which we watched and of course they both loved.

    Tam – Yeah, I would have expected the sarcastic remark from my oldest but not this one! lol

    Katie – Sometimes she says stuff to mess with me but I think she was serious on this one! lolol

    Cecile – She's been pretty fascinated lately with the fact that there were movies that were silent and had no color so I'm sure that's what brought it to her mind. It was pretty funny. I will definitely get a b & w movie and show it to her. I used to watch them all when I was in 11th grade so I've got a few in mind. 🙂

  4. OMG – seriously love that kid of yours!

    Awwwww, and I like the first two Karate Kid movies. I can't help myself 🙂

  5. Chris – Very observant! lol

    Janna – Yeah, I think I need to stop soon – considering I can only pull them out from the front cuz I can't see the back! lol I probably have a huge mass of gray on the back of my head and look like a skunk! lolol

    Wendy – She does come up with some doozers, doesn't she?
    I like them too! I'm trying to order movies that are older that I used to love – so far I've done well. 🙂

    Kay – And she was so deadpan! Cracked me up…after I finished closing my gaping mouth! lol

  6. LOL, she's still young. She doesn't realize when colors were introduced… but still, this was very funny LOL.

    Oh, the original Karate Kid was great!! 🙂

  7. Kids say the darnedst things, don't they? I got called 'mam' by someone in a store the other day. I kept asking him not to call me that…I don't think he got why. Am sure I don't look that old…although maybe to him I do 🙂 YIKES!

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