Crazy Ass Dreams

Posted May 20, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 21 Comments

Do you have strange dreams when you sleep?  I don’t dream very often but when I do they are crazy ass dreams!  I wonder what the hell is up with my subconscious mind!
The dream I have most often – but yet it’s always a variation on the same theme (and it’s actually more of a nightmare) is that I’m driving on an extremely high overpass and I drive over the edge.  How effed up is that?  Always different scenarios but still the end result is the same – me flying off the edge.  What does this really mean?  When I drive on extremely high overpasses I’m never worried I’ll drive off one so why do I dream about it?
I’ve also had a few sexual dreams where I’ve been a man…having sex with a woman.  I’ve also been a man in my dreams having sex with another man…and yes, one of them was my husband.  Does anyone hear the twilight zone theme?  I do! lol  Honestly I’ve woken up a few times where the first sentence out of my mouth is, “what the fuck was that?”
What brought this post on you may ask.  Well, this past Saturday I woke up from my beauty sleep and realized that my dream that night was…me playing naked football.  That’s right, naked. football.  I was in the huddle and was worried about people seeing my ass and someone in the huddle said, “they just saw it when you were running the play, what’s the big deal?”  OMG mortifying!  The sad thing is that I can’t remember if I was the only one naked or not.  lol
So tell me – what have some of your crazy dreams been? 

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21 responses to “Crazy Ass Dreams

  1. LOL oh Tracy your comment about one of your dreams being you are a man having sex with your husband cracked me up- I was wondering, what does your husband think of this particular dream? *grin*

    I have weird dreams all the time, I've even dreamed in cartoon anime once!



  2. OMG Tracy, this is to priceless! But I totally know where you are coming from. I often wake up from said dreams wondering "where the hell did that come from????"

    I will have to dig a bit to relive some of my most bazaar dreams and that is a scary though… me and my really screwed up dreams..

  3. Heh, I don't remember my dreams. Maybe it's best.

    Did you tell your husband about your m/m dreams involving him!?

  4. Tam

    I think the naked dreams mean you are feeling exposed and stressed. I've had them before or I dream that I'm back in university and it's suddenly time for an exam and I realize I never even went to the class all year so have no clue what's going on.

    Just the other night I dreamt that this guy kept sneaking into my apartment. He was all dressed in white and I knew he was sneaking in and he knew I knew but no one else seemed to know or believe me. And there was water dripping through my bathroom ceiling from the apartment above (I live in a house) and my bathroom was huge and had a TV in it and my daughter was there and I was freaked out by the guy who kept coming and going. Sigh. Yeah, no clue what this means either. LOL

    I never have sex dreams. Sigh. Or they involve my ex and even in my dream I call a halt to that pretty quick. I did take an anti-depressant once years ago, can't remember the name, but when I quit cold turkey I had the most amazingly erotic dreams for about 4 nights in a row. I was tempted to take it again and quit just for the side-effects. LOL

  5. I have a couple of recurring dreams that drive me crazy, but my strangest dream would have to be the one in which Kurt Russell was trying to kill my husband. He chased us down the freeway in a car, and hung out the window pointing a gun at my husband. It was bizarre, to say the least. I don't even want to guess what it meant. LOL

  6. When I'm feeling particularly stressed I tend to dream that I'm on a bridge and as I'm walking it crumbles around me and oops, there I go into the bottomless depths of the water.

    Another one is I'm driving on a highway and it goes up really high, similar to a rollercoaster, and as I'm heading down the highway disappears and my car has nowhere to go but down.

    Neither is a fun dream to have.

    Hopefully all the ones that I don't remember are fun sexy dreams.

  7. MsM – I have to say that hubby was not a fan of that dream at all. He did ask if I had "normal" sex dreams with the two of us and I assured him I had. lol He asked me to never tell him if I had the dream again. I haven't. 🙂

    Cecile – My dreams are normally more photo shots or 1 scene acts rather than a whole movie. Sometimes I try to piece them together but other times I'm happy that they made no sense! lol

    Chris – You're so lucky. As I said – I don't dream often so the ones I mentioned here were just within the last 5 years so not many at all.
    Oh the hubby looked horrified when I told him about the dream. Patted me and looked at me like I needed to be institutionalized. lol

    Tam – Oh thanks for interpreting that for me! I don't know about exposed (other than the dream) but I've definitely been stressed lately so that makes sense.
    That's bizarre about the guy sneaking into your house. That would freak me out.
    I've come to realize I have especially strange dreams when I eat spicy food before bed. Weird!

    Jen – Kurt Russell? How strange! I'm sure a dream interpreter would have a field day with you and me. lol

  8. Lily – The bridge sounds like my overpass – only with me driving. Maybe stress is what triggers it for me. Huh.
    OMG that freeway/rollercoaster dream sound horrible! You poor thing.
    Yes, let's assume all the other dreams are fun & sexy dreams. 🙂

  9. No doubt. LOL I've had the crazy sex dreams too. Usually it starts out normal, with someone I know or maybe a random celebrity I've seen on TV recently, and then that person morphs into someone else, usually someone horrifying (like a former teacher or boss…BLECH). I've had naughty same-sex dreams too, but I don't think I've ever dreamed I was a man. That would definitely be…um…interesting. O_O

  10. LMAO!! So funny. You've been reading too many m/m books. But at least it's your hubby that you're with 🙂

  11. Hilarious! I have to admit, I usually dream about people trying to kill me – probably indicative of a deeply disturbed psyche, but excellent fodder for stories! I do recall one particularly vivid dream with David Arquette trying to kill me while wearing a severed head around his neck.

  12. The only strange reoccuring dream I've ever had involves all the roads turning into rivers and I have to try to get somewhere (always in a hurry) by a canoe or a paddle boat. I never make it LOL
    then I wake up and have to pee.

    Recently I've been dreaming about Eureka the TV show and that I'm a cast member only I'm the only one that knows its a TV show the others think they are the real people.

    Yeah more sleep needed and less imagination. And PS we won't even get into the sex filled dreams LOL

  13. LOL Tracy! Too many nekkid, M/M books maybe? I've had those crazy dreams too! I've never told my hubby though. *g*

    I was recently reading a book with crazy-ass voodoo stuff in it, set in historical times Colombia and I had such severe nightmares two nights in a row that I HAD to stop reading the book! I'll pick it up again at some point and risk another nightmare just to see what happens. 😀

  14. Jen – The random celebrity would be cool. My dreams aren't quite that contained. lol

    Lori – Alas I wish I could blame my m/m reading but the m/m dreams were 5 or more years ago…and I hadn't started reading m/m yet! Scary, I know!

    KC – lol I think I'll take my naked football over your DA with the severed head any day! 🙂 That is pretty freaky. I've only had 2 dreams with death in them (not including flying off the overpasses) and one was a firing squad killing my mom – and no I wasn't having problems with her at the time. And the other was people in my closet who came out and shot my hubby and I in our beds – luckily those were over 10 years ago so no death since then!

    Sarai – Rivers and trying to get somewhere? That is cool – except for the having to pee thing. lol
    I want TV show dreams! Probably would help if I watched tv though. 🙂

    Hilcia – Thank heavens I'm not the only one!
    I would have stopped reading that book too. I tried to read Pet Sematary once and it scared the crap outta me (I was much younger). I don't remember specifics about the dreams I had during the reading but I remember them being truly bizarre.

  15. Interesting post, Tracy!

    I used to have recurring dreams about being trapped in weirdly shaped, out-of-control elevators that moved in unusual ways (like, shot up instead of down or fell in spirals).

    I also once dreamt I was watching Beethoven's funeral procession, and I spoke to him in German. (!)

    Most of my "stress" dreams are like Tam's and Lily's: facing an exam I'm unprepared for, or driving at night on unfamiliar streets that loop around and go up and down steep hills, my tires barely touching the pavement.

    Must be some kind of archetype. I guess we're all part of the hive mind to one degree or another. 😉

  16. KZ – Your dream sounds like the elevator in Willy Wonka – maybe you hoping to be in a chocolate factory?
    Beethoven? I'm impressed. So, was he nice even though he was dead?
    Maybe my driving off the overpass dreams are the result of stress (in addition to the naked football lol)? Huh. I'll have to remember this when I have it again and see what's happening in my life. Very interesting. 🙂

  17. Actually, I was having the elevator dreams before I saw Willy Wonka (the original) for the first time. So when I did see it, I thought, Wow, I can deal with these dreams as long as I end up owning a chocolate factory! 🙂

    I can't remember if Beethoven answered me or not (I don't think he did), but I distinctly remember what I said to him.

  18. LOL KZ. Did you see the remade version of WW? That one had the elevator that went side to side, up/down and I think diagonally. You were probably thinking – how did they get in my head? lol
    I hate it when I talk to dead people and they don't respond. So, what did you say?

  19. Jen

    Tracy, if I eat Chinese food for dinner, I have funky dreams. Weird huh?

    The oddest dream I ever had was, I dreamed I was getting married. My Daddy and I were starting down the aisle and every few steps a big screen would come down from the ceiling and we'd have to stop for commercial breaks. Then the music would start up and we start back walking. This lasted the whole way down the aisle. As soon as I got to the end of the aisle to see who I was marrying, I woke up. Ticked me off royally. I shut my eyes real tight to try to go back to sleep and pick up with the dream but it just didn't happen, dang it.

  20. Orannia – Yes, yes it does! lol

    Jen – lol Chinese food? I'll have to stay away from that one too. 🙂
    Don't you HATE it when you're just getting to a good part in your dream and you wake up? What is that? lol I guess we're never meant to know.

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