My Favorites of 2009

Posted January 8, 2010 by Tracy in Reviews | 17 Comments

2009 came out with some really great books! From historical to contemporary to paranormal, and more, there were just amazing reads out there. Some of the books that I read this year came out in previous years but I either didn’t know about them or just hadn’t gotten around to reading them yet.

I went over my reading lists and wanted to share the ones that I thought were exceptional. I know not everyone would agree with me but as I always say – there’s something out there for everyone.

I’ve compiled a list of my favorite reads for 2009. I had to make some sort of cut off for myself so I only included the books I rated 5 out of 5. There were a lot of other books that I rated 4.25 or 4.5 and I really liked those too but as I said – I had to cut it off somewhere! 🙂

There are many different categories here so I put them in alpha order by title. Enjoy!

Almost Like Being In Love by Steve Kluger (review here)

Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer

Angels’ Blood by Nalini Singh (review here)

Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs

Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh

Butterfly Tattoo by Deidre Knight

Collected Novellas Volume 1 by Josh Lanyon (my thoughts here)

Demon Forged by Meljean Brook (some thoughts)

Desire Unchained by Larissa Ione

Eyes of Crow (Aspect of Crow trilogy book 1) by Jeri Smith-Ready

Happy Ending by L.B. Gregg (review here)

Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs

Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole (review here)

Secrets of a Summer Night by Lisa Kleypas

Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas

The Dark Tide by Josh Lanyon

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (thoughts here)

The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley (review here)

The Smoke Thief (The Drakon, Book 1) by Shana Abe

The White Knight by Josh Lanyon (review here)

Voice of Crow (Aspect of Crow book 2) by Jeri Smith-Ready (review here)
What books did you think was exceptional this past year?


17 responses to “My Favorites of 2009

  1. Oh, The Butterfly Tattoo was amazing, wasn't it?! I just discovered Nalini Singh last year – wow! And since I just started to read m/m, I got to read lots of Josh Lanyon. Lucky me. 🙂

  2. Oh, you have a great list, Tracy! Almost Like Being in Love made it to my list too. And, the Aspect of Crow trilogy was on my favorite list of reads for 2008 — loved it!
    Nalini really outdid herself this year with 2 great releases. Loving L.B. Gregg, but I still have to read Cover Me.

    Can't wait to get to Lanyon this year, and to the A&O series by Briggs.

  3. Oh, Tracy, I'm so happy to see the first two Aspects of Crow books on your list! They were just amazing to me :). And The Butterfly Tattoo…lots of emotion in that one! I believe it was from your thoughts that made me push it up on the list when I read it.

    And the Guernsey book!

    Great list, Tracy!

    Here's to another great year of reading. My reading time has been seriously cut back, but that's okay :).

  4. ACK! See, this is why I need to keep track of my books! I completely forgot about Butterfly Tattoo when I did my list. Fantastic book!

  5. Wow, nice list! Lots of my faves here. But some intriguing new ones. And wow, I keep seeing Butterfly Tattoo popping up everywhere. I really need to read it!

  6. That's a great list, Tracy. A couple of my favorites in 2009 were Tigers and Devils by Sean Kennedy and Kelland by Paul G. Bens Jr.

  7. I'm so happy to see quite a few of my own personal favorites on your list as well, Tracy, especially since you read so many more books than I.

    Did you read Tessa Dare's historical romance trilogy? I'm guessing not, because if you did, GODDESS OF THE HUNT or SURRENDER OF A SIREN would have made your 5 out of 5 list.

    Wishing you a year full of fantastic reads in 2010!

  8. Chris – BT was wonderful – so emotional but so well done.
    I LOVE Nalini Singh. She could write a laundry list and I was frame it. lol
    Josh is just one of my favorites!

    Hilcia – ALBIL will be one of my favs forever. I just adore that book.
    The Aspect of Crow books are just wonderful. I feel horrid that I haven't read the 3rd book yet. Need to get on that!
    LOVE LB Gregg. She mixes humor and love and sex all in this great story – good stuff.

    Amy – How could I not love the AofC books? Thank you again for sending them – who knows when I would have gotten around to them otherwise.:)
    BT & Guernsey – So damned good!

    Lori – I know what you mean. If I didn't have the list I would have been sunk. There were some books in my list that I thought I'd read in 2008 so there ya go! lol

    CJ – It really is a great story. It's extremely emotional so just be prepared – but wonderful.

    Lily – T&D was fabulous as well. As I said, I had to cut myself off at some point otherwise I would have had a HUGE list. 🙂
    I haven't read Bens – I'll have to check that one out, thanks.

    Christine – I haven't read any of Dare's work. I'll try to do that this year. 🙂

  9. Oh, great list Tracy and some wonderful books listed. I can't wait to try Josh Lanyon's books 🙂 My favourites would have to be the first three Sarah Monette books and Heir to Sevenwaters.

    There is one book I kind of disagree with, and that would be Agnes and the Hitman. It wasn't the story, but the editing that drove me batty. There were so many errors I ended up contacting the publisher.

  10. Kris – and that's bad why? lol I really do like his books and since he came out with a lot this past year there was a lot to choose from. 🙂

    Orannia – Oh I'll have to look into those books, thanks!
    Yes Agnes has some issues at the end but I loved Agnes and Shane so much I overlooked them. 🙂

  11. The Madness of Lord Ian MacKenzie was my real stand-out book of 2009. Others I really enjoyed
    Highland Rebel by Judith James – an excellent sophomore book
    Beyond the Rain by Jess Granger – yes! A new author to look forward too.
    One Reckless Summer by Toni Blake &
    Tempt Me At Twilight by Lisa Kleypas were also very good.

  12. Christine – On your rec. I bought books 1 & 3 of the Dare trilogy today at the UBS. I'll grab the 2nd in ebook when the time comes. 🙂 Thanks.

    Kristie – Yep – the Madness was such a great book. I just loved it.

  13. LOL, you've read lots of good books this year 🙂 The good news is that I don't have to add too many books to my list! LOL.

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