Hello there!
I can’t believe I’m getting this post done on a Sunday afternoon! That’s almost a miracle for me lately. 🙂
Hope you’re all well. All’s well here. I managed to avoid 2 other “
Stupid Ass Things” for the week. The bang cutting I think took precedence and I avoided the other two. Either that or they’re delayed! lol
Have you all seen the book cover for Carolyn Crane’s (aka our own wonderful CJ from
The Thrillionth Page) book
Mind Games that comes out on March 23 2010?
Isn’t it gorgeous?? I love it and I can’t wait to read her books!
Ok – on to what I read this week:

I started with To Seduce A Sinner by
Elizabeth Hoyt. This book 2 in the Legend of the Four Soldiers series but I didn’t read book 1 first. I certainly didn’t feel like I was missing anything that’s for sure. I decided to try and read some of the DIK books that others had brought to the island. I chose this one after reading
Renee’s quick blurb about it and I’m so glad I did. It was a wonderful story of love and healing and I will definitely be getting the next books in this series. Thanks Renee!
4.5 out of 5

Next up was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society book by Mary Ann Shaffer and
Annie Barrows. You can read
my thoughts here. Good book!
5 out of 5
After that I read Wolfbreed by
S.A. Swann. I had started this book last week but put it down when it was just dragging for me. It ended up being a pretty good read once I got past the first 100 pages but I didn’t love it. It was very descriptive of blood and gore – it definitely didn’t shy from descriptions of massacres and that’s a tad off-putting to me.
3.5 out of 5
A novella was next called Screen Shots: Seduced by
Willa Okati. This one was recommended by Tam and it was a cute little read. It had a tad more “I love you, man” in it than I generally care for but I liked it.
3.5 out of 5

After that I read Beyond the Rain by Jess Granger for review on The Book Binge. I will let you know when my review posts in case you’d like to read it.
My Tracy’s TBR Challenge Read for the week (yes, I almost forgot to do one!) was You Slay Me by Katie McAlister. My friend Jen gave this entire series to me about 2 years ago and there is has sat. I finally decided to pick one up and it I liked it. I thought that the heroine, Aisling, was a huge bumbling idiot and did some completely retarded things but overall the story held my interest and I read it quite quickly. Since I have the rest of the series I’ll read the next book and see what I think. If Aisling is too much of a bumbler I’ll call it quits but I’ll give it a chance. Has anyone read this series and if so what did you think? 3.75 out of 5
Happy Reading!
YAY for CJ!! Again, nice group of books you got there 😀
Awesome cover for CJ! Those books all look good, the only one I read was Katie MacAllister – I enjoyed that series.
It is so fun and crazy to see my cover on your blog, Tracy! Thanks for the shout on it!!
Oh, Elizabeth Hoyt!! Maybe this is the one to start with…I've been meaning to get to her, and a 4.5!!!
KB – I know! So cool.
Patti – Yep – the book sounds great. I'll let you know what I think of the rest of the KM series.
CJ! Of course I would give you a shout out honey. You da bomb and I friggin truly love that cover. Honestly.
I didn't read the first book in the Hoyt series but I'm sure it was good as well. I, for some reason, don't feel the need to go back and read it though. IDK.
I have the Guernsey Literary PPPS book in my tbr. I've heard such great things about it and don't know why I haven't read it. I've enjoyed Elizabeth Hoyts books so much.
As for CJ, well it's just plain awesome to seem someone's hard work come to fruition isn't it? Not to mention she frequently cracks me up with her posts.
I can't wait to read CJ's book either Tracy and the cover art ROCKS!!!
I am always in awe of how much you read. I've made a commitment to myself to aspire to your level of reading and reviewing.
Thanks for the reviews BTW!
Have a great week Tracy!
Well yeah, it wasn't high lit, but it was a fun sexy little read. LOL Glad you enjoyed it. I'll be checking out the other volumes in the series but it's not one of those things I race out and buy them all right away, unlike something like Psycop where I binge read. 🙂
Hi Tracy,
I saw Carolyn Crane's cover yesterday. I don't usually read that genre, but I do plan to pick it up.
Rosie – I let The Guernsey book sit for a couple of days as well. Since it's not my normal kind of book I put it off but I'm so glad I picked it up. So good.
I love CJ's humor and her posts are always fun and funny. I'm so very happy for her that her work is being published. Good for her!
Lea – Well I hope your level of reviewing is better than mine! lol I read a lot but I don't review as much as I should, uh, I'm too busy reading. I wish you well in your endeavor! 🙂
Tam – it was a fun sexy little read. As you said, I won't run out and get the rest right away but I will def. be reading them in the future.
Amy – I'm not a huge UF fan but I do read some so I will most definitely be picking up Mind Games. 🙂
Can't wait to see what you thought of Beyond the Rain! Kristie really liked it, but I'm looking for a second opinion, since it's trade-size 😀
Looks like you had a good reading week 🙂
The more I see CJ's cover the more I like it 🙂
Lots of pretties Tracy. I've read the Ashling Grey series. I liked them but by the last the bumbling was beginning to get to me. If I didn't have the correction information then I was ask for it. There is a second series about the silver dragons but the first just didn't work for me.
And please don't tell Tam, but I'm only partway through reading the PsyCop books. Have made a note to tackle them this weekend!
So glad you enjoyed To Seduce a Sinner! I thought the writing was just beautiful in it. I also didn't read the first one before reading it (IDK why, since I'm such a series ho) but never felt like I was missing much.
I actually picked up the first book a couple of months later, but didn't get too far. It didn't capture my interest right away. I lover EH's writing, so will probably give it a try again sometime!
I read the first couple of Aisling Gray's. They were cute and light, but she was sort of a bumbler. Since it was played for laughs, I was a little more patient with her than most TSTL heroines. Always meant to finish the series, but never did.
Have I told you how much I enjoy to your "what I've been reading this week" posts? (I really do!)
Nath – well I didn't love it but I didn't hate it. 🙂
Orannia – I just love the background of it.
Aisling Grey series – yes, I thought she needed to ask for help more often. Now granted when she asked the dragons they were evasive as shit, but being embarrassed that you don't know much about being a Guardian is a stupid reason, imho, to not ask for help. My mama always taught me that there's no stupid questions! lol
I won't tell Tam about you if you don't tell her that I haven't even started it! Although I've heard good things about it.
Renee – did you read books 3 & 4? What did you think?
A. Grey series – yes, I think that's why I didn't mind QUITE as much as I normally would have because it was done for laughs. I'm not normally a 3 stooges kind of humor girl so while it was cute I didn't love it. I'll keep you posted on the next book.
Awww – thank you. I'm glad you like my weekly post – it's fun.
Tracy – deal 🙂
WRT the EH series, I read To Beguile a Beast, book 3 (liked it a lot but not as much as TSaS,) but book 4, To Desire a Devil, won't be out till the end of October. Can't wait! 🙂
Renee – oh so I'm not too far behind! For some reason I thought there were already 4 books released. Good to know! 🙂 I think I have the 3rd one in my TBR – maybe from a So Cal Blogger Book Swap? Always a good place to get good reads.