Arrrg! Too Busy!

Posted July 10, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 8 Comments

Work has been unbelievably busy. You’d think that with my boss gone that things would be calm. Ok, the phone doesn’t ring as much which is a wonderful thing but arg! I haven’t been able to blog hop in like a week and a half and I feel so out of touch. I will hopefully be able to get by to say hi to my peeps soon…we’ll see.

Blowing kisses to you all – hope you’re well.


8 responses to “Arrrg! Too Busy!

  1. I know what you mean Tracy. I feel like I've been neglecting my blogging buddies. I miss everyone!

    Hope you have more of a chance to relax over the weekend 🙂

  2. Tam

    Tracy, I tried to e-mail you but it bounced back. Can you e-mail me? Hopefully that way it will go through. Thanks.


  3. Thanks for all the good thought and yes, I'll take hugs any day of the week. 🙂

    It's Saturday so hopefully this evening I'll be able to catch up on my blogging…both hopping and posting!

  4. Feeling your pain and sympathizing with you all the way!

    Taking advantage of Saturday and Sunday… it's all we can do sometimes. 🙂

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