What do Voodoo dolls and Blogger Awards have in common? Well, that would be our very own Little CJ. She’s handed a blogger award over to Carolyn Jean aka CJ aka Carolyn Crane and CJ was terrified enough to hand it over to Lisabea who in her fear-of-the-pin gifted (I’m really using that term loosely) it to me. Thank you so much Lisabea (I think) it’s brightened my day considerably!
We all know that Little CJ is kind of a sick and twisted little girl (and I mean that in the best possible way, of course) that hangs on a wall but I fear that in her madness she might just manage to make that damned voodoo doll that looks like me if I don’t pay this amazing coughcrazycough award forward.
I can’t believe that I only get to gift this to 2 fellow bloggers but I suppose it’s a good thing in the end. I won’t have to worry about my friends getting stuck in the ass by Portraits Gone Wild.
So…that being said I gift this award to:
a relatively new-to-me blog that I’ve been enjoying greatly
Love her tales of her home life
Tracy, thank you for that introduction. I will stop making my voodoo doll of you now. Sigh. It was going to be so pretty, with red hair.
Congratulations to Lori and Brie.
Hahaha! Too funny 🙂
LOL! Carolyn cracks me up! I loved her Premio Dardas theory, lmao! I couldn’t stop laughing as I read it.
Thanks Tracy! Most of the time I forget to pass on the awards, but I will not forget this one – out of fear of being pinned, of course. :p
LCJ – thanks for stopping production on the doll – it’s thoroughly appreciated!!
Amy- isn’t it great?
Barbara – That Premio Dardas thing was a complete crack up. I’m so glad I gifted CJ so I could give her more to do! lol
Brie – yeah, better post that thing or LCJ will be coming for you! 🙂
Congratulations Tracy…
I am going to gift Little CJ with a blogger award….. I’m just not sure which voodoo doll to send her yet.. 😉
I would hate to be stuck with a voodoo doll. ALthough Bob has a song about it. (He seems to have a song for everything, huh?).
Thanks for the award! I’m always freakishly impressed when people find my testosterone tales amusing.
I have this fear I will wake up in the middle of the night and Little CJ will be sitting on the edge of my bed with an evil smile on her face.