Review: The White Knight by Josh Lanyon

Posted April 15, 2009 by Tracy in Reviews | 11 Comments

I have to admit that I’m having an incredibly hard time writing this review without sounding like a complete squee-girl Fanyon. I’m going to try to sound as normal as possible…for the moment.

When our story opens we find that Sean Fairchild has taken a spill down a flight of stairs. He’s got a head injury and is not quite sure where he is or what’s going on, but he knows that he wants the man he loves, Dan. As Sean regains consciousness sporadically in the hospital he sees Dan and is completely soothed by his presence. When Sean comes around for the last time he finds that he can’t remember everything that has happened in the last 3 months…like the fact that he left Dan. Slowly but surely Sean’s memories come back to him and he starts to remember the highs and the lows of the last few months in his life.

Sean’s memories go back to when he met Dan and the beginning of their relationship. Dan moving in with him and the ups and downs of learning to live with someone who’s so not like you. And of course the argument that ensued from Sean deciding to take the part in The Charioteer movie that he had been dying for…but not bothering to discuss it with Dan first. Sean leaving for Wales without Dan and the utter miserable depression that ensued during filming is something that’s in the forefront of his mind.

All right, enough trying to be normal (which my mother says will never happen) I just have to say I friggin LOVED this book. I got to the end of the book and then went back and re-read it. The way Mr. Lanyon wraps the story around the reader is amazing. He wrote the story in both 1st person and 3rd person with current events and flashbacks to the past. It was an incredibly emotional yet revealing approach to getting down to what had happened in the past with Sean and Dan’s relationship, what was currently happening and how to deal with the issues if it was possible.

This story is the prequel/sequel to The Dark Horse (I think you should read that first) so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect since I don’t think I’ve ever read a combo like that before. I found that once again Josh Lanyon has delivered a wonderfully written, utterly enjoyable story that I recommend to everyone.

Rating: 5 out of 5

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11 responses to “Review: The White Knight by Josh Lanyon

  1. Heh heh heh. I knew you’d love it. You Fanyon.And the chocolate was DELISH. I’ve eaten almost all of it. Oh so yum.

    Yay for Tracy!

  2. Oooh! great review! You sound so excited about it, I’m adding it to my tbb. I’m not worried about reading the first one, I always read out of order anyway, lol.

  3. Lb – Yes…Tracy=Fanyon!
    I need chocolate right now! lol

    Barbara – The White Knight is a prequel/sequel to The Dark Horse so hopefully it will make sense for you. 🙂 Enjoy

  4. Oh, you can squee all you want, as long as I can squee with you. So is there a special Fanyon secret handshake?

    I’m using my dik gc that I won a few weeks back toward this and the other book in the series.

  5. Starting to think that Josh can’t write bad stories. S’rsly. At least I’ve never read one. Fanyons FTW! 🙂

  6. OK, if I can remember to pick this up before I leave, I’m gonna do it. Although I have to pick up both of the. Ahhh… the hardship.

  7. Cj – It’s really good! But you knew that I thought that from my review! lol

    Renee – A secret handshake! Oh yes! Let’s do eeeet!

    Sula – I haven’t read a story of his that I didn’t like! He’s great!

    Lori – definitely pick up both!

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