The Great Buddy Award

Posted February 5, 2009 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 5 Comments

Last week Holly from What Were You Expecting gave me a wonderful award: The Great Buddy Award and I was a total slacker and didn’t post it on my site. Yeah, I suck. Then today Rosie from Nobody Asked Me…gave me the same award and I thought I really need to post this! I have to say that both of the times I saw this award given to me I was a little slap happy. It’s so nice to have people say nice things about my little slice of bloglandia. Thanks guys!

How it works:

1.. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Award up to ten other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your awardees on their blogs.

My problem is this…the rules of the award are that you should “gift” up to 10 bloggers with this award and I have so many more than 10 that I’d love to gift! How do I ever choose?

Well I’m obviously handing it back to Holly and Rosie because they definitely deserve it…and that doesn’t count for any of my 10! lol

OK – so I started adding links and names and was getting my groove on….and then I looked at the names. I wanted them all there, but then I started thinking about all of the blogs that I go to and I just can’t not include them all – so I deleted it all. So my decision: I’m awarding all of the blogs that I visit. I love you all and can’t choose. That’s like choosing between my kids…can’t be done.

Happy Award Day to you All!!


5 responses to “The Great Buddy Award

  1. Jenre – You’re very welcome!

    Barbara – awww, thanks!

    Holly – Ha! I AM a cheater. I just couldn’t do it. Too freakin many blogs that I love that I just couldn’t choose!

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