
Posted January 9, 2009 by Tracy in Reviews | 4 Comments

My review for Wicked Burn by Beth Kery is now at The Book Binge. Go forth and enjoy!

Also…I was trying to put together a review for Eyes of Crow by Jeri-Smith Ready and it just wasn’t flowing like I wanted it to. It was getting all tangled up in my brain and what came out of my fingers was just gobbledy-gook. Gobbledy-gook and reviews really don’t go hand in hand. So, with that in mind I thought I’d share some links of reviews done by others who had no mental problems and wrote great reviews. (these are random reviews I found while surfing)

Brie from Musings of a Bibliophile

Ann Aguirre’s Review Review

And of course Amy C. of Romance Book Wyrm’s Review. Amy was the doll who sent me this trilogy for Christmas and I’m so thankful she did!

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4 responses to “Reviews!

  1. It’s hard for me to write reviews too. I give it my best when I really love a book and want everyone to know. That one that Brie did was fantastic!

    Jeri emailed me today and said you sent her a message. Thank you!

    I want to read Wicked Burn, but keep passing on buying the book.

  2. Hi Tracy, I’m glad you liked my review!

    When I started reading Eyes of Crow I didn’t know what to expect, but it turned out to be a fantastic book. I’m glad you thought so too.

  3. Amy – sometimes when I’m so overwhelmed by how wonderful a book is I just have a hard time getting that feeling across and still make the review make sense. This was one of those books.
    Yes, I told Jeri how much I loved it! 🙂
    Wicked Burn…get it!

    Brie – Yes, I thought it was a wonderful review. I just kept nodding my head and agreeing with everything you said. I wasn’t sure what to expect either but I was so very pleasantly surprised.

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