Before I give you lovely readers today’s task, I’d like to thank everyone who participated in completing yesterday’s tasks. It was great to see everyone’s entries and it made me even happier to dig into today’s task.
If you don’t remember, we’re celebrating Bingeaduckia this week on both Book Binge and The Good, The Bad and The Unread and I’m hosting a week long scavenger hunt, posting tasks every day and at the end of the week, everyone who has completed every task will receive a chance to win the grand prize of 7 fantabulous books which include:
- Seduction at Christmas
- Alluring Tales 2: Hot Holiday Nights
- Bedding Down
- Suite 606
- Double the Pleasure
- Unlaced
- The Magical Christmas Cat
Lots of great books to win and with that said, let’s jump right into today’s task.
Yesterday we went through and reminisced through some of the anthologies that were reviewed on both blogs, today I want to remember some of the contests we’ve had on our blogs. So your task today is:
- Find the link for the contest we held last Christmas on Book Binge and let us know what the big prize was.
- On May 7, 2008, Sybil and the girls over at TGTBTU gave away a copy of what book?
- On May 1, 2008 over at TGTBTU, Sybil gave away a signed copy of an anthology with Anya Bast in it called What Happens in Vegas…who won that contest?
And you guys know the drill, email us your answers at contests[at] and we’ll keep track of your answers for you.
To participate in this scavenger hunt, here are the tasks to be done in order:
Good luck everyone, we can’t wait to read your answers!
Heh. I’m so not “eligible” – though those are great prize. One thing – for the new comers, maybe a link to TGTBTU would be helpful?
Is that email address correct with:
Didn’t work for me. I used the address that was posted yesterday as
That right? Thanks. Its fun doing this!
Awesome, Rowena 🙂
All fixed! =)
You caught me, it’s, I’m still trying to get used to our own domain stuff, sorry about that but you had the right of it.
Note to self: re-proofread all posts!
Thanks for catching that!