And the Slacker of the Year Award goes to….Me!

Posted December 10, 2008 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 7 Comments

I have been such a slacker! I’ve been reading and reading and occasionally putting a review up for my guest reviewing but I haven’t posted a review on my blog in forevah! I suck and I have to apologize. I will endeavor to be more attentive to my poor little blog here. Bear with me…I’m apparently trying to do too much these days and things are falling through the cracks.

On another note: Who’s ready for Christmas besides Wendy???


7 responses to “And the Slacker of the Year Award goes to….Me!

  1. Yeah, I so totally relate!! I’m having the hardest time posting reviews. I patted myself on the back for posting 2 – yes 2 reviews.

    I think that’s 2 in the last oh… 3 months or so, LOL!

    And damn Wendy for having it all done. I hate that girl.

  2. In my defense, I’m not decorating this year. I just don’t feel like sorting through all the crap in my storage closet! Plus, I’m traveling over the holiday – so I can live without festive decorations on my home turf.

    Oh, and I don’t have kids. I’m convinced that’s why I’m done.

  3. Whew! Thank goodness that slacker of the year award wasn’t for me!

    I’m always ready for Christmas. It’s one time if year I don’t slack on!

  4. Are you kidding? You are a slacker? I would direct your attention to the POST below where you have read so many books. And then there’s DIK…and on and on.

    Well, I’m not ready for Christmas at all. I might send my clients toffee, though.

  5. Lori – I’m right there with ya – I need to be better about posting reviews.

    Wendy – the fact that you have your gifts bought and all your cards sent out is enough to send me into a fit of jealousy! lol We’ll not even talk about the decorating!

    Amy – You CAN’T get the slacker of the year award if you have all your decorations up 🙂 AND you manage to post regularly.

    CJ – Haha – now if I could just review some of these books for you all I’d be fine. mmmmm…toffee.

  6. Um, does it count if I know what I’m buying everyone? I just — haven’t done it yet? No? Alright.

    In my defense though, I did spend today “teleworking” and by teleworking I mean, putting up the Christmas tree. ;oP

  7. Kati – that DOES count!!! And oh how I wish I could telework. *sigh* I’d love that!

    This weekend the tree IS going up on Saturday!

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