Sweet Potato Recipe

Posted November 21, 2008 by Tracy in Reviews | 9 Comments

I started thinking about Thanksgiving and all the food that my family and I will enjoy next Thursday (next being the one next week, not the one after that ;). Anyway, that led me to think about my sweet potato recipe. Ok, I actually make it with yams because they just taste better, but I still, after 23 years, call it my sweet potato recipe…so sue me.

My mom always used to make a yam thing with marshmallows on top and as much as I love yams I just hated that dish. I know, no respect. lol. So I was at a friends house for Thanksgiving one year and it was a potluck and one of my friends brought the recipe I’m going to share with you. It was just so damned good that I got the recipe and made it for Christmas dinner for my family. Since then I’ve been told that I shouldn’t show up for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner without it. The Love, don’tcha just feel it?

So I thought I’d share this incredibly high calorie, wonderful dish with my friends. If any of you make it I hope you like it as much as I do.

Potato mixture
5 lbs of sweet potatoes/yams – boiled, drained, cooled, peeled, and mashed. (After they cool the skin just slides right off) This definitely the most time consuming part of the process.
3 lg eggs
2/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup melted butter
1/3 cup heavy cream
1 tsp. vanilla
½ tsp. each of ground nutmeg and all spice

Heat oven to 350. Grease 9 x13 pan (butter)
Beat eggs in large bowl. Stir in potatoes til blended.
Add remaining ingredients. Mix well. Spread into pan.

1 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 cup flour
1 cup chopped pecans
1/3 cup butter cut into small pieces

Mix sugar, flour and pecans in med. bowl. Work butter in w/hands Very, very gooey
Sprinkle evenly over potatoes
Bake for 60-70 minutes until topping is browned and bubbling.



9 responses to “Sweet Potato Recipe

  1. Jen

    Tracy, that recipe sounds good. I’ll have to pass it on to my Mama; this girl don’t cook (unless it can be done in the microwave – lol).

    Seeing this recipe reminds me of a friend of mine. Right after she got married, her MIL asked her to make a sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving. When she took it out of the oven, she realized something had gone terribly wrong. She hadn’t boiled the potatoes first. I don’t cook but at least I knew that. lol

  2. I’ve never used fresh sweet potatoes, just yams from a can. I’m the only one who eats them, it’s easier for me just to buy a small can, pop it in the oven with some butter brown sugar and marshmallows :P. My mom has been here now for the last two thanksgivings and she loves yams too. I’m not fixing our dinner this year, we’re going to hubby’s aunts house. I’ll write this down and give it a try next year though!

    Thanks for passing this one! It’s a;ways nice doing something a little different with a dish!

    This year, one thing I am making that I haven’t made before is a spinach artichoke dip!! Yuuummmy!! I got a recipe from a friend and I cannot wait!!

  3. Jen – let me say this clearly: I.Don’t.Cook. Seriously. I can get by and feed my children relatively healthy food but I really don’t cook. My older sisters learned, not me. I bake. However – even you could make this. My hubby who really doesn’t like yams eats this like it’s going out of style.

    Amy – I tried this recipe once with canned and it worked. It was a little runnier only because the canned yams are in general – but it can be done. You should try it if you’re going to the aunts house!
    OMG you need to pass on your spinach artichoke dip – I love that stuff.

    KB – I KNOW. It was just really far away…now it’s here!

  4. I always cook with Yams, too. I just like them better than sweet potatoes.

    I’m SOOOO freaking glad you said you didn’t like that yam/marshmallow thing. I’ve never understood the appeal of that dish. It’s just icky!

    A couple weeks ago I had my sister and her bf over for dinner and made a ham and sweet potatoes. I found a great recipe for mashed sweet potatoes with sour cream that seems similar to this one. I’m going to try yours next and see. =)

  5. Hey that’s the same recipe we use for sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving. I think the reason so many people like it is because it’s closer to eating a dessert than potatoes. Yum! It’s the one dish I will actually miss since we are having steak this year.

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