Really quick…is our site loading slow for anyone? It doesn’t load slow for me at all and we’re trying out new URL out (the blogspot address will automatically redirect) so I wanted to know if it worked for anyone else.
Please leave a comment letting us know how it works out for you guys, will ya?
ETA: Am working on trying to fix the slow loading blog, please be patient!
Mucho thanks,
It loaded very slowly for me.
It loaded kind slow for me… Not ultra slow, but not as fast as usual.
It took two hours to load for me.
J/K…23 seconds. But still slow.
Well maybe you guys need to clear your cookies, it might help.
It didn’t take anytime for it to load for me, and I tried two different computers
Opened right away for me. I have a cable modem.
I tried both my IE and Firefox browsers and they loaded in no time.
Loaded just as quickly for me as the blogspot address! 🙂
Been slow today for me.
Hey, it didn’t even load in safari after forever of trying, and in firefox it loaded, but took way long.
Yes, sloooow. About 1 minute. Gee…how jaded am I that this seems like a long time?
2 hours? Hot damn. LOL.
Am working on it, will edit post when I figure out what the heck is wrong.
You must have got it all ironed out because it loaded quick as usual for me just now in AOL/IE7.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I’ve logged in a ticket (hours ago) to Blogger to see what the issue is and I haven’t heard back from them but as soon as I hear back from them, I’ll try to fix this problem.
Thanks so much for being patient with us!
Nope, 3am central time and it was slow – I actually clicked my link twice thinking I hadn’t clicked it yet. Maybe I need to empty my cookies – wonder where those things are?
32 seconds to re-fresh after cleaning out my cookies. I’m being patient honest, I just wanted you to know it’s still happening 0h, and I’m in Firefox.
It didn’t load at all for me for most of today (Firefox). But now that I’m home, it’s loading just fine (again Firefox).
Ugh, until we get this figured out and squared away I’m gonna keep URL back to the blogspot address.
Okay sorry, but we’re having people working on the problem so we’re going to keep the link up just a little while longer.
It’s a little slower than usual.
Yesterday I couldn’t get on at all (Time Warner–they SUCK!).