I’m just freaking out a little bit.
I’m working on the blog and I’m trying to fix it so you might be seeing this for awhile. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Alright, until I can figure out how to fix our other blog template, you’ll be seeing a darker side (to match the mood that I’m in) of Book Binge and for those of you readers out there who have been with us since we started Sanctuary’s Finest, then this template should look familiar to you. It was one of the first templates we used on Sanctuary’s Finest.
Wish me luck guys.
ETA: We’re still not 100% cool yet, but we’re close. So sorry for all the confusion around here tonight. Keep your fingers crossed that we get all the kinks worked out for tomorrow. 😉
– Holly
And here I was just about to freak… *sigh*
I guess I’ll have to hold it in reserve for another time 😉
Reminds me a bit of how it *used* to look. Waaay back in maybe December 07 or January 08. LOL
Me too, Christine. I had a flashback moment when the site loaded.
HOLLY!! What did you do to Rowena!??
Dark mood copied.
I’m working on it, I promise! 😉
Whew! Ok, it’s not 100% yet, but it’s almost there. YAY!!! My eyes are glazing over..the rest will have to wait for tomorrow.
We still love you, even when you break stuff. 😛
Oh, and…
Why do I always get blamed? I’m innocent! I swear!
so? how you do it?
We’re gonna have to keep the flashback moments coming because oh gosh I’m an idiot.
But we’re working on getting back up and running.
Oh I know that, I just gave her some ideas and than promptly fell asleep on her (again).
LOL so I was wondering what worked or if she had to do something completely different.
LOL no but I am trying to decide if I want to take credit or not *g*.
Dude first thing I suggested was get the back up…
so really yeah, all me *g*
I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing and just breaking things left and right.
But Holly saved the day, just call her Superwoman!
Well so are you if you gave her the ideas that fixed the blog, WOO HOO YOU!