Ew, Yuck and a double OMG!

Posted October 17, 2008 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 16 Comments

Ok – so the book I was just reading was pretty good. Good story and I liked the characters. They weren’t vanilla – especially in the bedroom. As the hero said…when it comes to sex, all bets are off.

Anyway there was one scene where the hero and the heroine were having anal sex in the hot tub. He used a minimal amount of lube and then dipped his wick. Why he just didn’t lube up is beyond me, but whatever. (Actually Amy had a post about this).

Anywho, after they were done they got into the shower and the hero started soaping up the heroine from behind. At no time does the hero get into the stream of water from what I can tell and he certainly does no cleaning. Before he can get her aroused again and be in charge she takes over and then goes down on him. *sound of tires screeching* ok, hold up. They just had anal sex and he didn’t clean himself off and she’s going down for a blow job? OMGWTFBBQ!!!! That’s just disgusting! And from what I can recall (I don’t have the book in front of me) she just couldn’t get enough of his taste!

Am I in the minority that thinks this is just all about wrong?? Tell me, please. Talk to me people.


16 responses to “Ew, Yuck and a double OMG!

  1. Umm, I think she meant to say HER taste??? LMFAO!! I didn’t even catch that, Tracy! If I had it would have surely been added to my previous post!

    Oh man, I hope she doesn’t try to do anal in her next book. Well, if she does, I hope she gives it some more consideration :).

    As for the lube, yeah he lubed a bit with her own juices but that certainly doesn’t last long before it goes away and I doubt it was enough for an overly large man to work his way comfortably into a virgin anal canal!

    I am sooo not into anal sex!!

  2. LMAO!!

    I try not to think about it, just go with the flow! Although, personally I think I would try to wash it if we were in a shower.

    Not that it would be an issue for me, back door lovin’ is something I would not be comfortable with IRL. Unless Gerard asked nicely then………….hmmmm. *g*

  3. perhaps the hot tub was a bubble bath with nice cleansing water?
    if not ewwww…. I have as story I heard from my doctor of the horrors of not cleaning before anal.

  4. Okay, LOL! First off, I thought that Blow Job Kit WAS the book you were reading. You know how that little images show up on my sidebar? I saw it and I was like, WTF is Tracy reading here?

    I think in a book for women that is just gross. I know on a lot of porn though, there’s a whole thing about the woman sucking it off after anal, like ass to mouth, sort of a humiliation thing, and I think that is SO vile.

  5. CJ, I seriously could have done w/o that useful bit of knowledge. 0_0

    I don’t really mind reading about anal, but I ALWAYS look for the cleaning scene before anything else happens. I’m sorry, but I’m so not all about the Dirty Sanchez. That is so beyond wrong. *gag*

    Authors, a little advice:


  6. Amy – HER taste – you’re totally right on that lol. Well the author did say that he grabbed the lube and used it on her but then just with his fingers. THEN he dipped the wick – whatever. Just yuk! lol The whole things was *shudder* horrifying but the fact that she just wasn’t that experienced made it even weirder!

    Sayuri – I mean really – they’re in the shower..why couldn’t she just wash him and THEN get to the lovin???

    KB – we can always hope!! lol

    CJ – LMAO!! That would be a funny book – wouldn’t it? 🙂 “Keep Clean and Jizz Free”! And the rest of your comment – that’s disgusting!!!

    Holly – I totally look for the cleaning scene too! It’s kinda gross if they just fall asleep and just leave it but the whole BJ after thing? Um no thanks.

    And thank you all for agreeing with me!

  7. It doesn’t really bother me. It was probably mostly rinsed off in the tub. Even if it wasn’t…nah, still doesn’t really bother me. *shrug*

    As for anal sex in water though…HELL NO. Silicone lube is the only thing that would make that even close to tolerable. That area doesn’t lube itself naturally. Ow ow ow. Anal sex in the tub without silicone lube freaks me out way more than ATM (ass to mouth).

    I don’t even mind the lack of cleaning scenes before anal. It’s pretty much a given when there’s a woman involved. Besides, you’d be pretty surprised how clean that area actually is, even without major cleansing.

  8. Jenb – you’d be pretty surprised how clean that area actually is
    I don’t know about clean but even if it’s all psychological for me I think I’ll pass! lol

    Wendy and Marg – I’m with you guys!

  9. SNORT. OK, I know this book, and honestly, the scene didn’t really bother me. Mostly because I thought she was positioned on a seat in the hot tub, and so they were out of the water. Plus he did lube up some.

    Also, doesn’t she soap him up before going down on him? I just loaned my copy to someone, so I don’t have it. But for some reason the shower scene didn’t bug me because I thought she’d cleaned him off. But if she didn’t this scene should have totally been a squick thing for me.

  10. Lori – Clean IS Good! 🙂

    MK – Nope – I double checked cuz I just couldn’t believe it. He soaps her but she doesn’t soap him. 🙂

  11. I’m always conscious of stuff like that, like hey he didn’t take off the rubber, hey, he didn’t put on a rubber, hey, aren’t they going to shower!!!!! hey, no way without the lube. If there isn’t a clear implication of the action that the reader can assume stuff like that takes me out of the story and yes it is a major turn off.

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