Sourcebooks author Malena Lott was kind enough to stop by today and hang out with us. I read her upcoming release, Dating Da Vinci and I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope you guys will check it out as well, when it comes out, of course.
Malena was a delight to exchange emails with and I look forward to reading more from her.
Check out our Author Interview with Malena Lott.
On your Writing:
Book Binge: What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
Malena Lott: It’s a toss up between free therapy and escape. As a mother of three young ‘uns, I need both.
BB: When did you decide that writing was something you wanted to do?
ML: I think right around the time I read “A Pokey Little Puppy” – very young. I had very elaborate story lines going for my Barbies, then one day started writing them down. My yarn-bound tale “How to Be Popular” was my first novel in 6th grade.
BB: Tell us about the day you found out that your publisher wanted to publish your book? What was your reaction? What did you do to celebrate?
ML: I had spoken with both my agent and my editor on the phone and I immediately called my hubby, who was at work, to tell him, and probably screamed and jumped up and down on a never-ending pile of laundry. Then I probably poured milk for my toddler and had to wait several hours before a glass of Merlot with my husband.
BB: Why should readers read your books?
ML: I think readers will really enjoy the story of a woman’s renaissance “awakening” and hopefully get some little a-ha moments for their own lives on things they can do for more joy.
BB: Do you write from the seat of your pants or do you plan your books through?
ML: Typically I have a theme and the characters up front and then the plot and the twists unfold as I write it.
BB: Isn’t Rowena such a pretty name for a character in a future book? LOL.
ML: It is!!! I’ll catalog it.
BB: What’s next for Malena Lott?
ML: I absolutely love Fall so I’m planning on spending a lot of time outside with my family and with my handy MacBook, promoting Dating da Vinci, making edits on a manuscript I’ve written, hopefully hearing good news on a young adult fantasy novel my agent is shopping, and writing the first draft on a big women’s fiction novel based on my experience growing up estranged from my mother. So it’s nice to volley between humor and heart-wrenching emotion and working in whatever I can, whenever I can with my kids as a top priority.
BB: Any advise you’d like to give aspiring writers who might read this interview?
ML: I’d say write from the heart first, and if your goal is on publication, take the necessary steps to learn the novel writing craft, join a writers organization and network like crazy. Writing is great for self-discovery, so even if the story is just for yourself, write away!
BB: Where did the idea behind DDV come from?
ML: I heart Leonardo da Vinci, big time. I’ve studied him for about five years, and incorporate his methods for increasing creativity. I even called my ad agency’s creative room the “da Vinci Den.” I wanted to write a story about soul mates and second chances, so I brought Leo back to life through my modern take on him as hero, flaws and all. I believe a woman’s journey is toward wholeness, so I wanted a real protagonist who is doing what she can to make it day to day, but who finds the courage to create happiness for herself after a devastating loss.
BB: Why should readers pick up Dating Da Vinci?
ML: For a humorous, heart-warming journey about everlasting love, second chances and unexpected relationships that enrich our lives and give us joy.
BB: Is Ramona based on someone you know?
ML: I suppose pieces of Ramona live within me – I would consider myself more of a Griever than a Normal, but she really just represents all women who are doing what they can to survive, but who are hoping for Something More.
BB: How long did it take you to write this book?
ML: I wrote the first draft in about three months – writing every single morning, seven days a week – then worked on three more drafts over the next few months before feeling confident enough to send it to my agent and thankfully she loved it and only had a few revisions and same goes for my editor Deb Werksman.
BB: What kind of research did you do for this story?
ML: Lots and lots of research on da Vinci and the Renaissance period (because there are historical bits) and on language and love (for her dissertation on the language of love) and I researched grief with the help of grief guru Doug Manning.
BB: What was your favorite thing about this book?
ML: The surprising twists that came to me while writing it and my own a-ha moments I got from sharing this journey with Ramona.
Random Questions:
What is your favorite…
BB: Color?
ML: Red
BB: TV Show?
ML: MadMen
BB: Book?
ML: A Prayer for Owen Meany
BB: Author?
ML: John Irving
BB: Movie?
ML: Mary Poppins
BB: Actor?
ML: Brad Pitt
BB: Actress?
ML: Helen Mirren
BB: Website?
BB: Are you watching the Olympics? If so, what is your favorite event to watch? Who are you cheering for?
ML: Didn’t watch much this year, but always enjoy the gymnastics.
BB: What is your biggest weakness? (shoes, chocolate, etc.)
ML: Shoes and Starbucks. I went from a whole lot of professional shoes when I worked outside the home to now a whole lot of cute ballet flats and more comfy shoes since I now work from home. Yes, there is a shoe for every occasion.
BB: What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not writing?
ML: reading
BB: What color are your toe nails right now?
ML: Merlot
BB: What is your favorite season?
ML: I think it’s a tie between Fall and Spring. Right before Fall I say it’s Fall, but then right before Spring, I say it’s Spring.
BB: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
ML: Nothing! (Okay, it would be nice not to freckle quite so much in the sun.)
BB: What are you reading right now?
ML: Driving Sideways by Jess Riley. V. very good.
BB: What are you listening to on your Ipod/CD player right now?
ML: Oprah’s Soul Series and jazz.
And there you have it, a pleasant interview with a great new to me author and I can’t wait for her book to come out so you guys can see how great she is. The pictures come courtesy of Malena’s wonderful site where you can learn even more about her and seriously, isn’t she gorgeous? If you guys are nice and leave a comment for Malena Lott to see on this interview, we might award you with some goodies, like I don’t know….free books? (Well more free books since we’re giving a lot of Shomi books away too. Don’t delay, act now!) Contest to be announced tomorrow. =)
Very nice interview! I’ll have to look into Dating Da Vinci!
the book sounds intriguing and the cover is lovely.
how would you classify it? i read how jess riley of ‘driving sideways’ described hers as ‘sicklit’ (tongue-in-cheek reference to the content) and that people in various places have stated that chicklit is dead, in terms of publiser purchases. light women’s fiction? general fiction?
Hi Malena, it was so nice to get to know you. I love learning about new authors.
I do so love your interviews! Another great one. The book sounds interesting and I heart Leonardo da Vinci too. and laughing at Mary Poppins – I have the soundtrack in my mp3 and constantly cycle to work listening to A Spoonful of Sugar : )
Thanks for the nice comments!
As for how I classify the book, it would be light women’s fiction, in that it’s dealing with some serious issues, but also has humor and a light touch, too. And there are two romances weaved into the book – one with da Vinci and one with another surprise!
Jane Porter calls hers “modern lit”, which I like. I hadn’t heard the Jess Riley “sicklit” comment. That’s a crack up. I hung out with her at RWA San Fran this summer and she’s adorable and so is her book.
And I could use a “spoonful of sugar” right now, but will just settle for some diet Coke, my usual afternoon pick me up.
Hi, Malena! Dating Da Vinci sounds so good, I definitely look forward to reading it. Great interview!
I can’t wait to read this. I know from reading Malena’s last book that I can’t start it until a weekend, or else I will do what I did last time and stay up until three in the morning to finish it and then be completely unproductive in my work the next day!
Wonderful site, btw.
I can’t wait for this book to come out. Malena’s is great and loved her last book. I couldn’t put it down.
Hi Malena,
You know I can’t wait to read your book!! As one of Malena’s Sourcebooks sisters, I can attest that she is as adorable in person as she is in the photos!
Thanks for stopping by guys, stay tuned for contest details! =)
As a nail polish addict, I’m imagining merlot nails.
Nice meeting to Malena! Malena, when reading books, they are a great escape for me too! Especially with painful days, its great to have something to fall back on that can let us go into reading where we let go of the hard things and give ourselves a break! Eventhough I’m not reading outside of romance books right now, I know what writers do for us getting these books done so many of us thank you! Great to read your interview! I know nothing about the DaVinci and all. I haven’t read any of that and not familiar with it, but I heard the book and movie was popular and hope you have great sales!
Welcome, Malena!
I confess I am not a devoted fan of women’s fiction, but as a single mother of two (mostly grown up now) kids, I find myself quite interested in your book.
I’d be happy to post a review at Karen Scott’s blog.
The book sounds like an interesting read. Looking forward to reading more.
I love to read these, thanks guys for doing this. As I was reading about Malena, I saw my own pile of large laundry.
I teach Italian and so love everything Italian including Leonardo. I would love to read this and post about it at my blog.
Great interview Malena and Rowena~
I’m really looking forward to reading Dating DaVinci. I have a love of all things Italian–the food, the men and especially DaVinci.
I’m another one of Melena’s Sourcebooks sisters, and yes, I concur with Marie, Melena’s a total sweetheart.
Robin Kaye
I’m looking forward to treading this one! Count me in the contest!