Robyn Carr tells us how readers have impacted Virgin River. . . .

I wasn’t at all surprised to receive many emails from readers who enjoy the ongoing story of Mel and Jack in the Virgin River series – they’re the anchor for the series as they are for the town. But imagine my surprise when the majority of the emails asked when Rick, a teenage boy, would get his own book. I had always planned for Rick to be an ongoing character, but didn’t have plans to give an entire plotline to him. Did this reaction impact me? You bet your life! It’s a short sighted author who ignores her audience!
It immediately got me thinking: What could I do? What situations could I put this character in that would hold enough drama, emotion and elation for a story? The more the emails came, the more my imagination worked on the problem. Eventually I came to a decision – I put an already plotted story on the back burner and replaced it with a story for Rick.
There’s a difference between doing everything your readers tell you to do and taking note of what they enjoy most. One reader wants every woman in Virgin River to have multiple births – twins and triplets. With respect for my Virgin River women, I have decided to spare them. Mostly.
“One reader wants every woman in Virgin River to have multiple births – twins and triplets.”
HA! That’s too funny!
I love your balanced attitude toward readers. Means alot to us!
Chantal — No, I have to keep my head. 😉 But — I LISTEN. It becomes clear very very quickly what’s important to the readers.
I, for one, am ecstatic that you were convinced to write Rick’s story. He’s one of my favorite characters and after all he’s been through..well, I can’t wait to see how he turns out….and with who.
So, now I want to know about Range Rover guy. Come on, you can tell me….
Holly, you don’t really want me to tell you (said the stern parent figure!) 🙂
I’m w/ Holly. I want to know much, much more about RR guy.
If you want to spill the beans about Rick and Liz, we won’t complain either. *g*
LOL, the girls can have the RR guy… I want Paul and Vanessa!!
I’m seriously loving your guest posts, Robyn, because you’re being so honest. We’re really happy that you are listening to us 😀 and I can’t wait for the next books to come out… I just hope it won’t be released with a one year interval! I probably would die!
Now, in your heart you know that I know you have to be happy in the end, which would imply that things will work out for everyone, or at least almost everyone. When your heart is pounding and things seem impossible, you’ll be secretly telling yourself ‘It’ll be all right, it’ll be all right…’ But you’re not sure HOW it’ll be all right and that keeps you tense and anxious. And THAT is no accident. 🙂
Just breathe….
Hmpf. Easy for you to already know what happens. 😛
I want Paul and Vanessa, too. I have theories about RR guy. You could just tell me if I’m right. Whisper it in my ear, I promise I won’t tell!
Didn’t you say that you had no intention of expanding RR’s character? Until people like Holly and I started asking all these questions about who he is? LOL
I definitely want Paul and Vanessa. I am SO glad that they didn’t get shoved into Whispering Rock.
Let’s just say that you know what’s best. We just think we know what’s best, right? LOL
I originally wrote Virgin River as a 4-book series and in the 4th book, Paul and Joe are showcased. If you count, you’ll realize that’s all the single marines in the old squad. But — the publisher would only take 3. It was a happy accident and because of that, I didn’t stop at 4 but kept going, something that wasn’t a plan. Paul and Vanessa are next, but there are new characters coming also. And, while I intended to keep Rick and the grower as ongoing characters, I wasn’t planning to expand either character until the majority of my mail — and I’m talking HUNDREDS of letters, asked about them. You can’t ignore that!
I like that you take your readers opinions into thought. Your right though, you can’t give eveyone what they want.
I’m over the moon that you were talked into writing Rick’s story, Holly and Casee can have Range Rover guy and Nath can have Paul (although I love me some Paul too) but I WANT RICK’S STORY!!! And I’m dying to know who his heroine is…
Did I mention how frickin’ excited that I am that RC is here on our frickin’ blog choppin’ it up with everyone?
So frickin’ cool! =)
Rowena frickin’ cracks me up!
That Paul — he’s a darling, isn’t he? So shy, so easily intimidated by someone as effervescent as Vanessa, and yet if he ever gets pushed too far and has to step up or lose her AGAIN, he is one man impossible to refuse. I heart Paul. He looks like a lumberjack who dressed up to go into town, long legs, big feet and huge calloused hands — but he can hold a baby as sweetly as any mommy. xoxox
You lightbulb picture links directly to my blog where is it hosted. I dont mind you using the picture as I dont own the copyyright on it but I do take exception to leeching off my webserver traffic. Please therefore take a copy and host it on your own provider or remove. Thanks
We apologize for hotlinking the image. It’s been fixed and I’m sorry if you took offense. I would like to point out, however, that we’re more than capable of bringing in traffic on our own and don’t need the traffic from your site.
I’m sure you didn’t mean to be offensive when you said that, but you were…just a little bit.
I will send you my bill for the bandwidth you were using then shall I? Yeah thought not.
I was doing you a favour and pointing it out when I could have easily changed it to some obscenity. So stop making and issue about it.