This week’s Booking Through Thursday question made me laugh because I know someone who has hella copies (that’s ebonics for a whole LOT of copies) of the same book. I don’t understand it but she does, so there you have it.
On with the question though….
Do you have multiple copies of any of your books?
If so, why? Absent-mindedness? You love them that much? First Editions for the shelf, but paperbacks to read?
If not, why not? Not enough space? Not enough money? Too sensible to do something so foolish?
Alright, I’m up first and here’s my answers:
Do I have multiple copies of any of my books? Sadly, I do. Yeah, yeah I know I was just saying that I don’t understand why anyone would want to own more than one copy of the books…but I have a good excuse! I’ve bought multiple books thinking I didn’t have the books when in actuality I had the danged books already and then I have multiple books because my sisters drop off their books for me to keep safe from their husbands and then some of my friends have gotten me books signed by my favorite authors (Nora Roberts being one of them) so I have two copies of Seaswept by Nora Roberts because that’s my favorite NR book and one of my copies was given to me by an old friend who had NR sign it for me…I love that book!
I don’t do the first edition stuff, I just don’t give a damn about when the danged books came out, all I care about is the story inside the book.
And ummm, I think that’s it….NEXT!
Do you have multiple copies of any of your books? Normally, no. Right now I do have two copies of Julia Quinn’s The Duke and I.
If so, why? Absent-mindedness? You love them that much? First Editions for the shelf, but paperbacks to read? I recently bought the new cover version of The Duke and I. I just haven’t had time to drive out to the UBS to get rid of the old one.
If not, why not? Not enough space? Not enough money? Too sensible to do something so foolish? For me, I don’t see the point in having two copies. Unless it was autographed, then yeah, I’d have an extra copy to not mess up the autographed one.
Do you have multiple copies of any of your books? Sadly, yes.
If so, why? Absent-mindedness? You love them that much? First Editions for the shelf, but paperbacks to read? Mostly because I used to buy a ton of books on eBay. Whenever I find a new author I love, I have to glom all their books (i.e., i have to own every single title they’ve ever written), so I check eBay more often than not because a lot of times I find great lots of books (meaning a whole grip) for a cheap price. I guess I look at it like this: If I can get 15 books for the price of one, but I already have 2 or 3 of the books listed, it’s work it, right? So for my favorite authors, I own multiple copies of their books. Other authors? Not so much.
Plus, I come from a long line of avid readers, so a lot of times my mom, sister, cousin, aunt or grandmother will give me books they’ve already read (I never get rid of my books..love it or hate it, it stays on my shelf) but don’t want to keep. Since our tastes are similar, I end up with multiple copies that way, too.
If not, why not? Not enough space? Not enough money? Too sensible to do something so foolish? This doesn’t apply to me, but I often think I should get rid of the books I hated, or the ones I have multiple copies of, but I can never bring myself to do it. I’m neurotic like that, I guess.
So, what about the rest of you?
Do you have multiple copies of any of your books? I sure do. And I’m not sad about it either. *g*
If so, why? Absent-mindedness? You love them that much? First Editions for the shelf, but paperbacks to read? There are various reasons. I don’t like re-reading my autographed books. If I can’t find a book I know I have, I might buy it again. I also buy OOP books that I find. Ex: Diamond Bay by Linda Howard. I think I had 5 copies of that at one time.
I’m a book whore.
You guys have good reasons for keeping multiple copies of books I’ve never considered. For me, I still would go crazy with multiple copies I didn’t give away.
I like the blog pimp idea!
I have some duplicates too, but that’s because I’ve a short memory or otherwise, buying the same book with a different cover! LOL.
Happy belated BTT!
I have multiples. Sometimes because I got them for friends and wanted extras so I didn’t give my own “good copy” away. I buy second copies of books I have autographed because I don’t read my autographed copies either. I also have second copies of books when the originals are old because I got them at the UBS and I buy a new one to read. Then I can’t bear to throw out the original.
I cull books all the time because I have shelves and shelves of books and bins of TBR books and not enough room.
I have multiple copies, but only for a few books that I truly loved. I have 2 copies of The Firebrand by Susan Wiggs, an autographed ARC and the first MIRA edition. I have a couple of copies of Cooking Up A Storm by Emma Holly – an autographed Cheek edition I won in a contest and an earlier Black Lace copy. And lastly, I have two copies of Breathless by Laura Lee Guhrke, just because it’s my favorite romance novel of all time.
I have duplicate books for numerous reasons which can normally be summed up in one word “disorganised.” But, the duplicates are nearly always books that I love and dip into again and again so I feel justified in having more than one copy.