Author Spotlight Review: The Bride by Julie Garwood.

Posted December 11, 2009 by Rowena in Reviews | 3 Comments

Rowena’s review of The Bride by Julie Garwood.

Hero: Alec Kincaid
Heroine: Jamie Jamison

By edict of the king, the mighty Scottish laird Alec Kincaid must take an English bride. His choice was Jamie, youngest daughter of Baron Jamison…a feisty, violet-eyed beauty. Alec ached to touch her, to tame her, to possess her…forever. But Jamie vowed never to surrender to this highland barbarian. He was everything her heart warned against—an arrogant scoundrel whose rough good looks spoke of savage pleasures. And thought Kincaid’s scorching kisses fired her blood, she brazenly resisted him…until one rapturous moment quelled their clash of wills, and something far more dangerous than desire threatened to conquer her senses…

It’s been quite a long time since I’ve read this book and I’ll be honest in saying that I couldn’t for the life of me remember what the big deal about Alec was. I mean, he’s kicking everyone’s tail in the Last Hero Standing Challenge and I just had to find out why so I whipped this puppy out and all I can say is…now I remember.

I couldn’t remember much of this book because of the two books in this series, The Wedding was always my favorite. Connor was always my favorite brother. My friend Grace has always been in the Alec camp but everyone else? It’s always been Connor. Having said that, I now remember Alec’s appeal. The way he bumbled his way through taking a wife, an English bride at that and finding a spot for her in his life was just too frickin’ cute!

Alec was one of my favorite things about this book. His surly personality matched with Jamie’s personality made for such an entertaining read that had me giddy with anticipation for more. All of JG’s heroes are possessive and extra protective but the way that Alec wore his possessive nature had me drooling all over the place.

“By what name is she called Kincaid?”

He took a long time answering.

Alec slowly scanned the audience.

And then he answered at last.



Love, love, love it! Alec is the bomb and I better read The Wedding quick or I’m going to forget that it is Connor that I love. Hehe.

Jamie on the other hand was a fantastic heroine. She was flawed and yet she was great. The way that her father treated her made me mad because she was no better than a maid. So when Alec comes to collect his bride and she’s not happy about it, seeing her come into her own was very engaging because Jamie was such an appealing character. She wasn’t perfect and that’s what I loved about her. She was great and she was flawed. She needed to learn that love should be freely given and I loved that Alec showed her that. Ugh and the way that Mary was with Jamie pissed me off to no end in this book, all over again. The way that she threw Jamie to the wolves each and every time to protect her pissed me off because she thought nothing of it. It was like it was Jamie’s job to do that but MARY WAS THE OLDER SISTER! Ugh, I couldn’t stand Jamie’s family and was so glad that Alec came into her life because for once, he showed her that she could lean on someone else other than herself.

There’s so much to love about this book. From the way that Alec told Jamie that he loved her the first time (it made me melt this time around cause I had forgotten) in Gaelic, to Jamie causing all the wars, to the scene at the end when Andrew comes and the entire clan repays him for Jamie. Alec’s explanation to Jamie about what everyone was doing melted my heart.

The mystery surrounding who was doing all of the crappity crap to Jamie was something that I saw a mile away but I remember reading this book for the first time and not having a clue but still, that bit of mystery lent the book more greatness. All in all, this book was a fantastic read and I’m sure I will be reading this book again and again in the future because it is a definite keeper. If you haven’t read this book or any book by Julie Garwood, I suggest you get checked because something is not right. This book’s got it all, the laughter, the sigh all over the place scenes and fabulous characters that will stay with you long after you put it down so really, READ THIS BOOK!

Grade: 4.75 out of 5

This book is available from Pocket Books. You can buy it here.

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3 responses to “Author Spotlight Review: The Bride by Julie Garwood.

  1. Luci

    I loved this book too, although i would have loved more of Mary and her husband. How he sent his mistress off and loved his wife etc.. There was a bit of him at the beginnning and he seemed to be a nice guy so i would have liked to see more of him.

  2. Grace

    Great review Rowena!

    I LOVED the constant banter between Alec and Jamie. JG always excels with that.

    And Alec? *swoon*

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