Review: sTORI Telling by Tori Spelling

Posted April 1, 2008 by Casee in Reviews | 7 Comments

Review: sTORI Telling by Tori SpellingReviewer: Casee
STORI Telling by Tori Spelling, Hilary Liftin

Publication Date: February 24th 2009
Pages: 288
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The star of Beverly Hills 90210 offers a hilarious, insightful memoir about growing up on America’s favorite teen drama and her life after the show.

She was television's most famous virgin -- and, as Aaron Spelling's daughter, arguably its most famous case of nepotism. Portraying Donna Martin on Beverly Hills, 90210, Tori Spelling became one of the most recognizable young actresses of her generation, with a not-so-private personal life every bit as fascinating as her character's exploits. Yet years later the name Tori Spelling too often closed -- and sometimes slammed -- the same doors it had opened.

sTORI telling is Tori's chance to finally tell her side of the tabloid-worthy life she's led, and she talks about it all: her decadent childhood birthday parties, her nose job, her fairy-tale wedding to the wrong man, her so-called feud with her mother. Tori has already revealed her flair for brilliant, self-effacing satire on her VH1 show So NoTORIous and Oxygen's Tori & Dean: Inn Love, but her memoir goes deeper, into the real life behind the rumors: her complicated relationship with her parents; her struggles as an actress after 90210; her accident-prone love life; and, ultimately, her quest to define herself on her own terms.

From her over-the-top first wedding to finding new love to her much-publicized -- and misunderstood -- "disinheritance," sTORI telling is a juicy, eye-opening, enthralling look at what it really means to be Tori Spelling.

I was (and still am) a huuuuuge 90210 fangirl. I’ve seen every single episode at least twice. I used to dvr reruns on SoapNet. Then I started watching Tori & Dean: Inn Love. As a celebrity gossip junky, I was fascinated by the Tori Spelling that appeared in the reality show vs. the Tori Spelling that was in celebrity magazines. So when she came out with this book, I just had to read it. Right?

This is not a romance novel. So why am I reviewing it here? Well, because it’s a book, of course.

I really liked this book. Even though my husband and my MIL’s bf made fun of me the whole time I was reading it. They really were amused when I would say “You’re wrong about her. She’s just misunderstood.” g

Tori basically writes about her life from childhood. She takes the reader through what it was like growing up with a dad that created more than his fair share of hugely successful and wildly popular t.v. shows. Any child or teenager that might have wished they grew up like Tori Spelling will change their mind by the end of this book. She makes it perfectly clear that while money definitely paves the way, it does not bring happiness. She’s also the epitome of “You want what you can’t have.”. All she wanted to do was be normal. Well Tori, I wanted a BMW for my 16th birthday. After reading this book, I’m glad I didn’t get one. LOL. I think what I enjoyed most while reading this book was her ability to laugh at herself.

She also addressed the extremely hot topic of meeting her current husband while they were both married. While she expresses remorse for how their relationship came about and the people it hurt, she never apologizes for what she’s found with her husband. It’s funny, while reading this part, I was asking myself what would have happened if this was in a romance novel. Two people that are unhappy in their marriages meet and fall in love. They end up being together. A reader would think that’s romantic, right? I guess the fact that these are real people that got hurt really make the difference. Not a lot of people find what her and her husband have. It’s just sad the way it came about.

Now her relationship with her mother is really fucked up. All I can say is that I love you, mom. Yes, you’re a control freak. But Candy Spelling is 100x worse than you. So whenever I tell you butt out, just say “Candy Spelling”.

So if you’re interesting on reading more about the “real” Donna Martin, pick this book up. It’s extremely entertaining!

5 out of 5.


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7 responses to “Review: sTORI Telling by Tori Spelling

  1. I’m a huge 90210 fan as well. I suppose most women of a certain age are. I think I might check this out from the library (not sure I want to own it). Thanks for the review!

  2. Rowena

    Oh dude, I LOVE 90210…I was such a big fan of the show when I was younger.

    I was never a Donna Martin fan or a Tori Spelling fan for that matter but I think like you that she’s just misunderstood…seriously.

    Great review, I’m going to put this on my ever growing list of books to check out before I die. =)

  3. Jessica, I think the only reason I actually bought it was b/c I was going on vacation. Not sure I would have otherwise.

    Wena, I was never a Tori Spelling/Donna Martin fan either. I started being a fan after watching her reality show. If you really want to read it, let me know and I’ll send it to you.

  4. Rowena

    I’d like to read it, but not right now….I’m busy with other books but I will want to read this maybe in the summer though.

    Thanks sweets!

  5. I just got the book and im starting to understand what she went through and im just starting to watch the old 90210(since i was just a lil baby when it was starting) and i love it!

  6. Anonymous

    Thanks to a research essay i began to read this book and was extremely surprised. It was a very hard book to put down and i found myself laughing out loud. Not everyone will enjoy it but i recommend it to those who really want to understand the life of Tori Spelling.

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