Tag: Stephenie Meyer

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

Posted May 9, 2008 by Tracy in Reviews | Tagged: , | 7 Comments
The Host by Stephenie Meyer

First a blurb from Stephenie Meyer’s site: Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact and continue their lives apparently unchanged. Most of humanity has succumbed. When Melanie, one of the few remaining “wild” humans is captured, she is […]

August 2, 2008…

August 2, 2008…

….who’s going to read it? I haven’t yet decided what I’m going to do about Breaking Dawn. Dare I read it and hope for the best and possibly be so disappointed and disgusted with Bella like I was in Eclipse that I will totally and utterly forget the perfection (okay almost perfection) that was Twilight? […]

Wena’s Turn: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Wena’s Turn: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Alright, so I’m finally getting around to reviewing this book. I’ve got some bones to pick with this book, some scenes to gush over and some tomatoes (or something harder and stronger) to throw at Bella…just because I want to. So we’ve got Bella graduating from high school and we’ve got the Cullens trying to […]

Review: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Review: Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Oh my god. This book pissed me the hell off. I even called Holly asking “WTF!” If you want a real review, please see Holly and Mailyn. I’m going straight into my rant. They are all stupid. Bella- STUPID. Edward told her not to visit Jacob. He’s a young werewolf and dangerous. Since they are […]