Tag: Linda Howard

Review: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Review: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Linda Howard is a long time favorite of mine, but her more recent books haven’t worked as well for me as her older ones. I went into this with some trepidation, but I ended up really enjoying it. Jina’s strength and determination really came through as she tried to earn her place on the GO-Team. […]

Guest Review: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Guest Review: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Jina Modell works for an off-the-books paramilitary agency, doing something related to communications. When she’s reassigned to a field unit, she joins Levi “Ace” Butcher’s team. Jina is not prepared for the physical demands of being in the field. Levi is determined to train her harder than the other recruits because he doesn’t want to […]

Throwback Thursday Review: Cover of Night by Linda Howard

Throwback Thursday Review: Cover of Night by Linda Howard

Every Thursday in 2018, we’ll be posting throwback reviews of our favorite and not-so-favorite books. This review was originally posted on April 21, 2008. How many of you have read Danielle Steel? I used to read her all the time when I was younger, but after awhile the repetitiveness of her writing started to wear […]

Guest Review: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Guest Review: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Jina is a tech geek.  She loves her job working in communications in a climate-controlled environment.  She makes good money and likes what she does.  When she finds out she’s being reassigned to a GO-team she’s not thrilled, to say the least.  The first day she heads out to the training ground and instead of […]

Sunday Spotlight: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Sunday Spotlight: The Woman Left Behind by Linda Howard

Sunday Spotlight is a feature we began in 2016. This year we’re spotlighting our favorite books, old and new. We’ll be raving about the books we love and being total fangirls. You’ve been warned. 🙂 Linda Howard is a long-time favorite author. The blurb for this one has me really excited. Order the Book: AMAZON || […]