Tag: Bill Surie

Holly’s Inbox, back online now!!

Posted May 22, 2009 by Holly in Reviews | 1 Comment

I love the concept of this. Rowena just reviewed this book and after reading her review and seeing this website, I’m really interested in the book.

Pure genius…

Holly’s Inbox by Holly Denham (aka Bill Surie) started out as a serial website in 2007—at it’s peak it received 90,000 daily views—often causing the site to crash! It was an instant viral sensation in the UK and Bill decided to take his email format and put it into a book.

The amazing thing about this site was that it looked like an Outlook Inbox! And the emails were released in real time—interspersed with actual present day gossip (watch out Perez), and telling a captivating and sweet story of one lowly London receptionist learning more about her life, love, hopes and dreams! Holly is our funny, flawed best gal and her family, friends and co workers are all people we’ve met in our lives—how could you resist reading her emails?

For the June 2009 USA release of Holly’s Inbox in stores, Bill has done the unthinkable—he’s RESTARTING www.hollysinbox.com. I highly encourage you to check this site out—it’s dangerously addictive, and if you’re at work it looks like an email screen. Check it out, tell all your friends, and get ready to be consumed with Holly’s office romance, her hilarious best friends, her pesky family members and a secret that she thought was long gone…

Holly’s Inbox will be in stores June 1, 2009

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