Series: Maiden Lane

Guest Review: Duke of Pleasure by Elizabeth Hoyt

Guest Review: Duke of Pleasure by Elizabeth Hoyt

Alf is a woman who has always had to take care of herself.  She’s been living on the streets of St. Giles her whole life and it was easier to pass herself off as a boy than it was to be a girl.  She’s an information collector by day and by night she’s the notorious […]

Guest Review: Once Upon a Moonlit Night by Elizabeth Hoyt

Guest Review: Once Upon a Moonlit Night by Elizabeth Hoyt

Hippolyta Royle is the richest heiress in London and had been kidnapped in the previous book.  She was set free and was running for her life when she found a road and stopped a carriage.  Of course after climbing hill and dale to escape she was an absolute mess and extremely filthy.  She had mud […]

Guest Review: Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt

Guest Review: Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt

Val, the Duke of Montgomery, is a pretty bad guy who seems unredeemable until he meets Bridget. Bridget is his housekeeper and he’s incredibly intrigued by her. He starts to demand her presence more and more and he’s fascinated by the things she tells him about scruples but he almost can’t get his head around […]

Guest Review: Sweetest Scoundrel by Elizabeth Hoyt

Guest Review: Sweetest Scoundrel by Elizabeth Hoyt

Eve Dinwoody is the illegitimate sister of the Duke of Montgomery, and is his “man” of business as well. She’s holding the purse strings to her brother’s investment into the reconstruction of Harte’s Folly and Eve isn’t thrilled with Mr. Harte and the money he’s been – at least to her thoughts – spending recklessly. […]

Guest Review: Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt

Guest Review: Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt

Phoebe Batten is twenty one years old but feels like a small child at times. She has to ask permission to go places and she always has to have a companion – in this case her bodyguard, Captain James Trevillion. She hates having to live as she does but she’s blind and her brother, the […]