One Perfect Kiss (Hope #8) by Jaci Burton
Series: Hope Series #8
Also in this series: Hope Flames, Hope Ignites, Hope Ignites, Hope Burns, Love After All, Make Me Stay
Publisher: Berkley
Publication Date: September 4, 2018
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 320
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The New York Times bestselling author of Love Me Again returns to the town of Hope, Oklahoma where school is in session and love rules the playbook.
Josie Barnes has always craved a sense of home. She's found that in Hope, Oklahoma--she bought a house, has a new job as an English teacher at Hope High, she's made wonderful friends, and she's taking in stray animals that no one else wants. Now she's flirting with fellow teacher and hot high school football coach Zach Powers. But he's almost too good to be true, and Josie learned long ago not to trust in the too-good-to-be-true, because it has always let her down.
A former pro football player, Zach had to pull back when a career-ending knee injury forced him to rethink his future. Now he's happy calling plays as Coach. If he could just get Josie Barnes to stop benching his players for their poor grades, life would be perfect. Instead, she drives him crazy as the stern teacher at school and the sexy woman of his dreams outside of the classroom. He knows she's been hurt in the past, but he wants to be that guy she can trust.
The one thing Josie has never been able to count on is the people closest to her. But Zach intends to show her that what they have between them is a textbook case of love.
Josie and Zach are teachers at Hope High School. They hang out in the same group of friends and that’s how they met. They are attracted to each other, but nothing had been done about it until when this book starts.
When our book opens Zach is getting on Josie’s case for putting a couple of his players on academic probation. When he finds out that they just aren’t doing the work and it’s nothing vindictive, then he calms down and helps his players get their assignments done. Zach thinks it’s about time he finally ask Josie out as he thinks she’s attractive.
Josie has issues with relationships. Her mother is a drug addict and Josie pretty much raised herself. When she went to college she had a boyfriend but after a while of dating he broke up with her and then she found out he had another girlfriend the whole time he was dating Josie. When Zach starts hanging around she thinks that having a little fun would be good but has no thoughts of it being anything permanent.
I liked Zach and Josie and thought they were good together. We got to see characters from past Hope novels and that was good too. The rescue animals were a bonus as they were so cute.
My main problem with the story was that it was slow. I kept putting the book down and then having to force myself to go back to it. If it wasn’t a book I had to review I would have dnf’d it. Not that it was bad, don’t get me wrong, but there was just nothing happening that kept my attention. I also didn’t feel the attraction between Zach and Josie. How can I enjoy a romance when I’m just not feeling it?
I hate to say this about a Burton book because I normally really like her stories but this one just didn’t work for me.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Hope Series