Big Girls Don’t Cry by Cathie Linz

Posted October 12, 2007 by Casee in Reviews | Tagged: , , , , | 6 Comments
Big Girls Don’t Cry by Cathie Linz

Book description: Leena Riley has returned to her hometown of Rock Creek with her tail between her legs. Her fabulous plus-size modeling career in Chicago never took off, and now the only job she can land is as a receptionist in a veterinarian’s office. She has to be desperate to work for Cole Flannigan… Being […]

Email Mystery: Suzanne by Michael Betcherman

Email Mystery: Suzanne by Michael Betcherman

Suzanne Braun had it all – the big house, the luxury car, the expensive vacations. Then her husband died, but not before making a series of reckless investments that depleted his fortune. When a promising relationship with a well-heeled and aging suitor ends badly, the beautiful widow finds herself a social pariah, universally regarded as […]

Email Mystery: Suzanne by Michael Betcherman

Email Mystery: Suzanne by Michael Betcherman

Ag recently reviewed this and I was intrigued by the concept. Basically this story is told in the form of emails. But unlike some other books that have recently been published with a similar theme, the reader in this case actually receives the story in the form of 3-5 emails per day. At first I […]

Guest Blog: Foreign Languages in Novels

Guest Blog: Foreign Languages in Novels

Est-ce important pour vous que l’orthographe et la grammaire des langues étrangères soient corrects dans les livres que vous lisez ? Si oui, est-ce très ou peu important ? Is it important for you that the spelling and grammar of the foreign languages be faultless in the books you read? If yes, how important is […]