9.11.01: 20 Years Later

9.11.01 Never forget.
9.11.01 Never forget.
Today is a special day. 29 years ago, Holly came into this world and started reading all the books. Happy Birthday, Holly! We hope you get to read all the books & eat all the goodies. Enjoy your day! XO, Casee & Rowena
It’s Casee’s birthday today! via GIPHY Happy Birthday, Casee. Here’s to another great year of good books and even better friendships. Love, Holly and Rowena
From the three of us to you and yours, we wish you all the best this Christmas. Remember, calories don’t count today! We’re taking the day off to be with our families, but we will be back with a spanking new WTF Cover tomorrow. XO, Casee, Holly & Rowena
Happy, happy birthday, Ames! You’re one of our favorites! We hope you can celebrate today in some sort of way with all the craziness going on right now. At least eat some cake. Or cupcakes. Or ice cream. Or all of those things. Enjoy every minute of your special day. XO, Casee, Holly & Rowena