Author: Holly

Review: The Shape of My Heart by Ann Aguirre

Review: The Shape of My Heart by Ann Aguirre

Courtney and Max made out once or twice at various parties, but it didn’t go any farther than that. Which is good, since they end up roommates. When Max is called home to attend a funeral, he can’t face it alone and asks Courtney – who has become one of his best friends –  to […]

Review: Heart Fire by Robin D. Owens

Review: Heart Fire by Robin D. Owens

Antenn and Tiana! I’ve waiting for this book for years and years. We first met Antenn back at the very beginning of the series, in Heart Mate. He and his brother were downwind boys who joined a gang. Antenn’s brother merged with two other boys to become a triad who shared thoughts and power, and he […]

Joint Review: Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison

Joint Review: Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison

Holly: First, I need to start of by saying: I TOLD YOU SO. I knew you’d love this book. Ehem. Moving on. Let’s start by talking about the world-building. This is one of my favorite worlds. I love the concept of the four different courts, politics and intricacies. It was so easy to fall into. Rowena: The […]

Five Books Everyone Should Read: Holly’s Picks

Posted January 18, 2015 by Holly in Features | Tagged: , | 3 Comments
Five Books Everyone Should Read: Holly’s Picks

Five Books Everyone Should Read is a new feature we’re running in 2015. We’ve asked some of our favorite authors, readers and bloggers to share five books that touched them or have stayed with them throughout the years. I knew going into this that picking 5 books was going to be hard, but I didn’t realize […]