Author: Holly

What Are You Reading? (239)

What Are You Reading? (239)

Holly: I’m still not reading. It’s depressing. I want to read, I just haven’t had time to invest in a new story. I’ve been doing quick re-reads and skim-throughs instead. I’m going on vacation next week, though, and I will be reading a ton of books, dammit (she says with as much hope as determination)! I […]

Books to Binge On: April 2015

Books to Binge On: April 2015

Holly: There are hardly any books out this month that I want to binge on. Hahaha. Just Kidding. My bank account is already crying and most of these haven’t even been released yet. Rowena: It’s finally happened. We got to the month that is definitely going to break my bank. I can’t believe how many […]

S.I.L.V.E.R(is for Reaper’s Fall): Joanna Wylde (Exclusive Excerpt + Giveaway)

S.I.L.V.E.R(is for Reaper’s Fall): Joanna Wylde (Exclusive Excerpt + Giveaway)

To celebrate the release of Silver Bastard by Joanna Wylde, we have an exclusive sneak peek of Reaper’s Fall, slated for release this fall, to share with you today! Make sure to enter the giveaway* below for a chance to win one of 3 sets of all 4 books, or 5 copies of Silver Bastard plus an […]

Review: Deep by Kylie Scott

Review: Deep by Kylie Scott

I was really looking forward to Ben and Liz’s story after all the buildup in the previous books. We first met Lizzie in Play, book two. Her sister, Anne, got into a relationship with Stage Dive’s drummer, Mal. Lizzie was immediately drawn to bass player Ben, but Mal warned Ben off her right away. Anne […]

Giveaway: Still the One by Jill Shalvis (and some Animal Magnetism Love)

Posted March 31, 2015 by Holly in Giveaways | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment
Giveaway: Still the One by Jill Shalvis (and some Animal Magnetism Love)

Holly: There are a lot of great things to recommend Jill Shalvis‘ Animal Magnetism series. Hot heroes, adorable pets, tight friendships, hot heroes, strong family bonds (both made and blood families), hot heroes. Did I mention the hot heroes? Beyond that, the heroines are always independent and able to laugh at themselves….and their best friends. […]